Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 1 Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University) ILC detectors
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 2 Electroweak production – Predictable process – Low background ILC sales points (cf. LHC) 4-Momentum conservation – One more constraints High resolution detector(s)
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 3 1.Quark flavor tagging capability –High S/N ratio in b-tagging –Ability of c-tagging 2.Momentum resolution of tracks 3.Jet energy resolution by Particle Flow Specialty of ILC detectors Vertex Tracking Calorimeter
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 4ILD ILD is larger than SiD Components: Vertex Silicon tracking (SIT/SET/ETD/FTD) Gas TPC ECAL/HCAL/FCAL (finely segmented) SC Coil (3.5 Tesla) Muon in Iron Yoke International Large Detector
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 5SiD Compact cheaper Silicon vertex/track/ECAL Components: Vertex Silicon tracker (no gas) ECAL/HCAL/FCAL (finely segmented) SC Coil (5 Tesla) Muon Silicon Detector Similar concept
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 6 Simulation framework Event generator (whizard, physsim, etc.) Detector Simulation (geant4 based: Mokka/SLIC) Reconstruction (Marlin/org.lcsim) Analysis (cuts, MVAs, fits...) particles hits hits particles models particles particles models stdhep file LCIO file LCIO file, ROOT file
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 7LCIO
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 8 Quark flavor tagging with vertex detector
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 9 Vertex detector: design Target: 5 m position resolution for high-p tracks within high background environment b hadrons: c ~ 400 m c hadrons: c ~ 100 m : c = 87 m BSM quasi-stables ILD: 3 double layers SiD: 5 single layers Both at r=14-15 to 60 mm e+ e- e+ e- beam background
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 10 Vertex detector: technologies Many hits overlaid – pixel detector! ILC beam: 1300 bunches with 300 nsec interval Two options: Faster readout (to reduce bunches to be overlaid) CMOS-type, SOI, 3D, MAPS, etc. Smaller pixels (to reduce occupancies by hits) Fine pixel CCD (bonus: better resolution) Technologies developing Vertex detector is the last to be installed - options can be delayed for ~ 5 years
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 11 Faster readout: many techs. CMOS: readout in 32 s (~ every 100 bunches) with 20 x 20 m pixels DEPFET: will be used in Belle2 Chronopixel: aims to specify bunch on every hits 20 x 20 m pixels 3D sensor in development
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 12 Fine Pixel CCD 5 x 5 m pixel (goal), 6 x 6 m (current) occupancy will be < 3% at 250 & 500 GeV after integrating all bunches in a train Readout: OK (6 x 6 m with larger horizontal shift register) 50 m thickness is realized Full well capacity (~6K electrons) is not satisfactory Beam test planned cancelled due to J-PARC accident Neutron damage test done at CYRIC (Tohoku) measuring CO2 two phase cooling: to be tested KEK, Tohoku, Shinshu + Hamamatsu
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 13 Expected Performance ILD < 5 m impact parameter resolution with 20 m pixels 1-2 m impact parameter resolution with 5 m pixels
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 14 Vertex finder IP Secondary vertex Single track vertex (nearest point) Vertex-IP line track D Incorporated in LCFIPlus package Build-up method is used for secondary vertex finder Does not require jet direction (avoid jet ambiguity) better in multi-jet environments (ZHH etc.) Single track can be used to be assigned to second vertex to identify b-c cascade decay
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 15 Flavor tagging b-tag c-tag In LCFIPlus package Multivariate analysis (BDT) Separated by # of vertices Vertex position/mass/tracks Impact parameters of tracks ~ 20 variables c-tag depends on vertex resolution
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 16 Momentum resolution of tracks with main tracker (silicon/TPC)
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 17 Requirements High momentum resolution Low material Two approaches Silicon-only tracking (SiD) Silicon + TPC (ILD) Tracker: design & requirement Both gives similar performance & cost
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 18 Time Projection Chamber (+ Silicon) Pros Continuous tracking good for non-pointing tracks and dense tracks dE/dx capability (not yet taken into account in the simulation) 2ns topological time stamping with inner silicon strips (two layers in baseline) Issues/Cons Field distortion by ions from gas amplification ‘gating’ Cathode plane at z=0 worse spatial resolution (but we have inner silicon)
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 19 TPC amplification & readout track at test beam GEM Micromegas
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 20 Mainly traditional silicon strip –no active development Readout chip is the same as ECAL in SiD – KPiX – bump-bonded to the sensors –Test sensor made –Time stamping at the chip – stored to outside between trains Silicon tracking
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 21 Resolution / material ILDSiD
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 22 ILD tracking (sorry, for SiD I have no info) Standalone Silicon tracking (VTX + SIT) –Kalman filter (partially) – now improving –Cellular automaton also now being developed TPC tracking (Clupatra) –Kalman filter Combining Silicon + TPC tracking Tracking software tracking efficiency of tt 6 jet events
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 23 Jet energy resolution with particle flow calorimetry
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 24 Particle flow calorimetry Separate each particle in jet DetectorFractionResolution Charged ParticleTracker~ 60%0.1% / p T sin (GeV) for each PhotonECAL~ 30%15% / E (GeV) Neutral HadronHCAL~ 10%60% / E (GeV) ILC CalorimetryAll30% / E (GeV) PFA simulation Performance of particle flow calorimetry depends on Mis-clustering highly granular calorimeter (esp. ECAL) Energy resolution of neutral hadrons HCAL Jet clustering dominates in many-jet (6-, 8-jet) final states
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 25 Starting at r~1.8m (ILD)/1.3m (SiD) ECAL granularity: 5 mm adopted (both) –Optimized (roughly) by PFA –apparently the cost driver (with magnet) ECAL thickness: cm –25 X 0 HCAL granularity: 1-3 cm HCAL thickness: ~100 cm –6 interaction length Calorimeter: design
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 26ECAL SiECAL ScECAL Absorber: W mm thick maybe thicker in outer layers Readout several options: Silicon ECAL Scintillator ECAL with SiPM MAPS (digital readout, 50 x 50 m pixel)
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 27 Strip scintillator/clustering Scintillator strip (5 x 45 mm) is proposed instead of tiles for ECAL Layering horizontal and vertical strips may come to similar resolution as 5 x 5 mm tiles Cost is almost half of SiECAL performance close to tile hybrid of SiECAL and ScECAL is also being investigated
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 28 Design is almost the same in ILD and SiD Absorber: Fe Detector: 2 options –RPC with digital readout: 1 x 1 cm 2 –Scintillator with analog readout: 3 x 3 cm 2 (strip is not considered now)HCAL
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 29PandoraPFA Sophisticated algorithm of track-cluster matching used in ILC community for > 5 years – no substitute
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 30 Optimization for particle flow
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 31 Jet clustering is the performance driver in many-jet (>=6) final states Usual Durham clustering, using Many ideas, not so successful... –Using reconstructed vertices to be separated good for some cases, used default now –Color-singlet clustering connect jets with more particle between them –Kinematic constrained jet clustering Jet clustering
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 32 Other things
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 33Magnet/Yoke/Muon
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 34 Important to tag t-channel background Used for BSM with forward particles Luminosity meas. Detectors –LumiCal –LHCAL –BeamCal –pair monitor (beam size measurement) (optional) Forward detectors
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 35 Two detectors are on platform Change the detector to be used (changing time is assumed to be a week or 2) Experts say it’s possiblePush-pull
Taikan Suehara, MEG collaboration Fukuoka, 23 Oct page 36 Novel technologies are adopted to ILC detectors to employ best possible performance Key improvements are –Vertex detector for b/c tagging –Tracker with excellent momentum resolution –PFA calorimeter Detector optimization has now being started, in terms of physics performance.Summary