STAR Upgrade Workshop Dec 13-14, UCLA Organizing Committee: Xin Dong (LBNL), Carl Gagliardi (TAMU), Huan Zhong Huang (UCLA), Ernst Sichtermann (LBNL), Flemming Videbaek (BNL), Anselm Vossen (IU), Nu Xu (LBNL) and Zhangbu Xu (BNL)
Heavy Flavor Tracker ( ) Tracking: TPC Forward Gem Tracker ( ) Electromagnetic Calorimetry: BEMC+EEMC+FMS (-1 ≤ ≤ 4) Particle ID: TOF STAR: A Typical Collider Detector Approved Upgrades: Muon Telescope Detector Roman Pots Phase 2 2 Mid-Rapidity Physics Coverage is almost complete !!
STAR Science for the Decade – QM2011 – Carl Gagliardi 3 STAR forward instrumentation upgrade Forward instrumentation optimized for p+A and transverse spin physics – Charged-particle tracking – e/h and γ/π 0 discrimination – Baryon/meson separation FMS FHC ~ 6 GEM disks Tracking: 2.5 < η < 4 RICH Baryon/meson separation Preshower 1/2” Pb radiator Shower “max” proton nucleus ~ W powder HCal
Not Even a 0 th Configuration Yet ! 1)The tracking detector is not defined -- can be built upon the FGT experiences 2)The PID detector – not enough thinking there yet -- a RICH? What radiator? What read-out? Requirement? 3)The calorimeter detector(s) – options open -- refurbished FMS -- new W-powder calorimeter technology – R&D phase -- some Forward Hadron Calorimeter from E864? -- new calorimeter configuration? Hardware -- Physics Case for the Upgrade -- 1)Strong p+p and p+A Physics, Mostly conceptual 2)Evolution from STAR (pp,pA and AA) towards eSTAR (ep, eA) Start of a series of workshops to develop a coherent STAR effort to follow up on the decadal upgrade plan and eSTAR development !
STAR Upgrade UCLA Dec 13-14, 2011 Dec 13, 2011 – Near Term Forward Instrumentation Upgrade Physics Topics 1) p+p transverse spin physics -- Feng Yuan: theoretical input -- Renee Fatemi/Anselm Vossen: transverse spin program in the forward direction 2) Spin transfer measurement in the forward direction -- Qinghua Xu/Ernst Sichtermann 3) Drell-Yan physics for the forward upgrade -- Carl Gagliardi/Akio Okawa 4) Cold nuclear matter physics, low x partons, p+p to p+A -- Jamal Jalilian-Marian: theoretical input -- Thomas Ullrich/Fuqiang Wang: STAR p+p to p+A
STAR Upgrade UCLA Dec 13-14, 2011 Dec 13, 2011 – Near Term Forward Instrumentation Upgrade Software and Hardware Topics 1) Software infrastructure and simulations for upgrades Jerome Laurent/Jason Webb 2) Calorimeter in the forward direction Stephen Trentalange/Oleg Tsai: FMS and Status of W-powder calorimeter R&D 3) Tracking detector in the forward direction Anselm Vossen/Bernd Surrow/Dick Majka: FGT to VFGT 4) Hadron PID in the forward direction Elke Aschenauer/Qinghua Xu: Detector Option and requirement 5) Magnetic field mapping in the forward direction Stephen Trentalange
STAR Upgrade UCLA Dec 13-14, 2011 Dec 14, 2011 – eSTAR Future eSTAR overview and plan – Zhangbu Xu/Ernst Sichtermann EIC detector and eSTAR – Elke Aschenauer Detector acceptance and physics topics – James Dunlop Hardware Considerations and Detector R&D Plan Upgrade in the endcap region – Ming Shao/Zhangbu Xu Inner sector upgrade – Jim Thomas/Tonko Ljubicic Inner tracker option – Nikolai Smirnov/Ernst Sichtermann Large area GEM – Subhasis Chattopadhyay Thick GEM detector – Dave Underwood Crystal Detector R&D – Yifei Zhang Event Generators and Simulation Needs for eSTAR – Matt Lamont
We need more people more ideas to build a strong physics case more people to work on the upgrade CD0 -- build a physics case CD1-- CD2 -- The initial assignment of people for the physics and hardware topics is to get us started – we need more active involvement from everyone – the future of STAR is in your hands now !