Google Earth for FAIR 7.12.2013 The Compressed Baryonic Matter Subhasis Chattopadhyay VECC-Kolkata, India 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Google Earth for FAIR The Compressed Baryonic Matter Subhasis Chattopadhyay VECC-Kolkata, India 1

The phase diagram of water critical point triple point

The phase diagram of „nuclear“ matter J. Wambach, K. Heckmann, M. Buballa, Act. Phys. Pol. B, Vol. 5 (2012)

Atomic nucleus: Radius R = 1.2 fm A 1/3 (σ reac = π R 2 ) Volume V = 4/3 π R 3 = 4/3 π A fm 3 Nucleon density  0 = A/V = 3/ (4 π ) fm -3  0.14 fm -3 Mass of nucleon m = 1.67  g Mass density of cold nuclear matter  0  m  270 Mio t/cm 3 Neutron star: Radius R  10 km, Volume V  4200 km 3 Mass M  1.4 solar masses = 1.4  2  g Average mass density  = M/V  700 Mio t/cm 3  2.6 times nuclear density Core density 5 – 10 times nuclear density Limits of nucleon density: Au-nucleus: R  7 fm, V  1400 fm 3 Nucleon: R  0.8 fm, V  2 fm Nucleons: V  400 fm 3 At 3 – 4 ρ 0 : nucleons overlap Density estimates

Quark matter in massive neutron stars? Equation-of-state: Non-local SU(3) NJL with vector coupling M. Orsaria, H. Rodrigues, F. Weber, G.A. Contrera, arXiv:

Equation-of-state: Non-local SU(3) NJL with vector coupling M. Orsaria, H. Rodrigues, F. Weber, G.A. Contrera, arXiv: Quark matter in massive neutron stars? 7

8 Heavy-ion collisions in transport models UrQMDHSD time [fm/c]

Freeze-out conditions RHIC SPS FAIR, NICA

The RHIC Beam Energy Scan I QGP Turn- off First Orde r To explore the structure of the QCD matter phase diagram we run a beam energy scan at RHIC Three Goals of BES program: Turn-off of QGP signatures Find critical point Search for phase boundary First Order Phase Transition Cross-Over Critical Point

May NA49: The Beam Energy Scan Programs Two dimensional scan in energy and system size → Criticality p+p and p+Pb reference runs High statistic runs with vertex tracker from 2017 SPS (Fixed target) √s NN = 5-17 GeV Alexander Schmah - Quark Matter 2014

Accelerators in Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics AcceleratorPlaceHI-PeriodsMax. EnergyProjectilesExperiments BevalacLBNL, Berkeley < 2 AGeV C, Ca, Nb, Ni, Au,... Plastic Ball, Streamer Chamber, EOS, DLS AGSBNL, Brookhaven /11.5 AGeVSi, AuE802,..., E917 SPSCERN, Geneva /158 AGeVO, S, In, PbNA34,..., WA80,... SIS18GSI, Darmstadt today2 AGeVKr, AuFOPI, KAOS, HADES RHICBNL, Brookhaven2000 – today  s NN = 200 GeVCu,Au STAR, PHENIX, BRAHMS, PHOBOS LHCCERN, Geneva2009  s NN = 5.5 TeVO, Ar, PbALICE, CMS, ATLAS SIS300/100GSI, Darmstadt2021  30/45 AGeVNi, AuCBM NICAJINR, Dubna?~5 AGeVMPD

Muon chambers Hadronic calorimeter Electromagnetic calorimeter Inner detector µ e n p  High Energy physics experiments: general philosophy

ITS Low p t tracking Vertexing ITS Low p t tracking Vertexing TPC Tracking, dEdx TPC Tracking, dEdx TRD Electron ID TRD Electron ID TOF PID TOF PID HMPID PID high p t HMPID PID high p t PHOS ,  0 PHOS ,  0 MUON  -pairs MUON  -pairs PMD  multiplicity PMD  multiplicity V0, T0 Trigger + multiplicity ACORDE cosmics FMD ch multiplicity FMD ch multiplicity ALICE layout (5.7 TeV) EM Calorimeter (future)

BEVALAC – Experiments: Plastic Ball

RHIC: Au+Au, s NN = 200GeV


BEVALAC Experiments: Streamer Chamber


SPS: S+Au, 200A GeV

SPS: Pb+Pb, 158A GeV

Luminosity Collider: Interaction rates LHC-HI: ~KHz CBM: 10 MHz

STAR PID acceptance for (π, K, p) (collider) Au+Au at 7.7 GeV Au+Au at 39 GeV Au+Au at 200 GeV

25 Acceptance (NA49): Fixed target

Results from AGS: Rapidity distributions 10.7 AGeV central collisions AGS (E866, E877, E891) J. Stachel. Nucl. Phys. A610 (1996) 509c Model calculations: dashed line: isotropic, thermal source (T=130 MeV) solid line: longitudinally expanding source (T=130 MeV,  l =0.5)

‘ net ’ proton dN/ dy AGS SPS RHIC 62 RHIC 200 LHC 5500 baryon transport (stopping) Central region is baryon free (almost)

Energy density Signatures of phase transitions in heavy-ion collisions ? transverse momentum volume charm, strangeness antibaryons elliptic flow e-by-e fluctuations high pt hadrons heavy quarkonia mass and width of ρ,ω,φ thermal photons and dileptons taken from the book: Quark-Gluon-Plasma: from big bang to little bang by Kohsuke Yagi, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Yasuo Miake (2006) adapted from an original by Shoji Nagamiya εCεC εCεC Seach for discontinuities in excitation functions of various observables ! How much are the signals diluted by finite size, short lifetimes, and hadronization ?

integrated yields event-by-event dynamical fluctuations ? Signatures of phase transitions in heavy-ion collisions ? E s related to strangeness/entropy ratio plateau consistent with prediction for deconfinement (SMES (Statistical model for the early statge), M.Gazdzicki and M.Gorenstein, Acta Phys. Pol.30,2705(1999))

Pion yield per participant NA49,C.Alt et al.,PRC77,024903(2008) central PbPb/AuAu π yield related to entropy production steeper increase in A+A suggests 3-fold increase of initial d.o.f Onset of deconfinement Kink Kaon inverse slope parameter Step Hydro+PT The step-like feature observed at SPS energies, not seen for p+p collisions and in models without phase transition

courtesy of Axel Drees NA60: In+In 158 AGeV Dilepton production Chiral symmetry restoration in dense baryonic matter : M inv < 1 GeV/c 2 Electro-magnetic radiation from the dense fireball: M inv = 1-2 GeV/c 2

R. Arnaldi et al. (NA60 collaboration), Nucl.Phys. A830 (2009) 345c Possible QGP-signal: Anomalous J/ψ suppression Di-muon measurements at CERN-SPS Debye-screening of J/ψ mesons in the QGP? Question: How important are cold nucear matter effects, and how to correct for them?

Experiment: R. Arnaldi et al. [NA60 Coll.], Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, (2006) , Eur. Phys. J. C 61, (2009) 711 Theory: R. Rapp, J. Wambach and H. van Hees, in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Physics, edited by R. Stock, Landolt Börnstein (Springer), New Series I/23A (2010), arXiv: hep-ph Efficiency corrected dimuon excess yield in min. bias In+In collisions at 158 A GeV Question: How to relate in-medium modifications of vector mesons to chiral symmetry restoration?

Beam Energy Scan-I at RHIC Observables: 1 st order phase transition (1) Azimuthally sensitive HBT (2) Directed flow v 1 Partonic vs. hadronic dof (3) R AA : Nucl. Mod. Fact. (4) Charge separation (5) v 2 - NCQ scaling Critical point, correl. length (6) Fluctuations Chiral symmetry restoration (7) Di-lepton production Study QCD Phase Structure - Onset of sQGP - Phase boundary and critical point - Chrial symmetry restoration BES-I: √s NN = 7.7, 11.5, 14.5, 19.6, 27, 39GeV

Bulk Properties at Freeze-out Kinetic Freeze-out: - Central collisions => lower value of T kin and larger collectivity β - Stronger collectivity at higher energy Chemical Freeze-out: (GCE) - Central collisions. Collective velocity (c) STAR Preliminary

BES Dependence of R AA 1)Suppression of high p T hadrons: one of the key signatures for the formation of QGP in high-energy nuclear collisions 1)The suppression is not observed in low energy Au+Au collisions, especially for √s NN ≤ 11.5GeV (more baryons at lower energy!!)

Collectivity v 2 Measurements 1)Number of constituent quark (NCQ) scaling in v 2 => partonic collectivity => deconfinement in high-energy nuclear collisions 2)At √s NN < 11.5 GeV, the v 2 NCQ scaling is broken indicating hadronic interactions become dominant. STAR: Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) (Validity of coalescence at lower energy!!)

Fluctuations: Higher Moments 1) Higher moments of conserved quantum numbers: Q, S, B, in high-energy nuclear collisions 2) Sensitive to critical point (ξ correlation length): 3)Direct comparison with calculations at any order: Extract susceptibilities and freeze-out temperature. An independent/important test of thermal equilibrium in heavy ion collisions. References: - STAR: PRL105, 22303(10); ibid, (14) - M. Stephanov: PRL102, (09) // R.V. Gavai and S. Gupta, PLB696, 459(11) // F. Karsch et al, PLB695, 136(11) // S.Ejiri et al, PLB633, 275(06) - A. Bazavov et al., PRL109, (12) // S. Borsanyi et al., PRL111, (13) // V. Skokov et al., PRC88, (13) μ B = 0

May Higher Moments of Net-Protons Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) Hints of a structure around 19.6 GeV The hunt for the QCD critical point Net-protons as proxy for net-baryons (conserved quantity) UrQMD model shows similar trends as data and similar magnitude at 0-5% More statistics and better control of systematic is needed to make a conclusion Additional energies needed → 14.5 GeV already taken by STAR/PHENIX GeV Alexander Schmah - Quark Matter What happens at higher pT range!! Report on town meeting on RHIC: Recommends BES-II

May Future Experiments at High Baryon Densities Fixed target experiment SIS100/SIS300 → √ s NN = 2-8 GeV Differential measurements of rare probes (Ξ, J/ψ, D 0,...) Phase transition to quarkyonic and partonic matter Charm production, hypernuclei,... SIS 100 ready: 2019 Fixed target experiment SIS18/SIS100 → √ s NN = 2-3 GeV Di-leptons + multi-strange hadrons EMCAL upgrade for π 0 and η But: limited by occupancy, data rate and acceptance at higher energies → CBM Collider experiment √ s NN = 4-11 GeV Study of in-medium properties of hadrons Nuclear EoS Phase transition, critical point search Alexander Schmah - Quark Matter 2014

Experiment Energy  s NN (Au/Pb beams) ObservablesReaction rates Hz BNL 7 – 200 GeVprotons, pions strangeness charm electrons, muons 1 – 800 (limitation by luminosity) CERN 6.4 – 17.4 GeVprotons, pions strangeness 80 (limitation by detector) FAIR 2.7 – 8.3 GeVprotons, pions strangeness charm electrons, muons 10 5 – 10 7 (limitation by detector) Exploring high net-baryon densities 41

Facility for Antiproton & Ion Research Germany Russia Finland France India Poland Romania Slovenia Sweden UK (associated) FAIR Signatory Countries FAIR is the largest upcoming fundamental science project worldwide this decade. Forefront research in nuclear, hadron, atomic, plasma and applied physics. Construction until member states up to date users Total cost ~1.6 Billion € (2018) (German funds 70%, rest from International partners) Construction until member states up to date users Total cost ~1.6 Billion € (2018) (German funds 70%, rest from International partners) 42

UNILAC SIS18 SIS100/300p-Linac HESR CR & RESR NESR Rare-Isotope Production Target Anti-Proton Production Target 100 m /s; 1.5 GeV/u; 238 U /s 238 U 92+ up to 35 GeV/u 3x10 13 /s 90 GeV protons radioactive beams antiprotons GeV/c, stored and cooled radioactive beams up to GeV/u; up to factor higher in intensity than presently antiprotons GeV cooled beams rapid cycling superconducting magnets dynamical vacuum Facility for Antiproton & Ion Research Primary Beams Secondary Beams Storage and Cooler Rings Technical Challenges 43

44 SIS-100 & SIS-300 Beamp lab, max √s NN, max heavy ions (Au)11A GeV4,7 GeV light ions (Z/A = 0.5)14A GeV5,3 GeV Protons29 GeV7,5 GeV The first years of CBM operation will be at SIS-100 with a start setup Beamp lab, max √s NN, max heavy ions (Au)35A GeV8.2 GeV medium ions (In) (Cu) 38A GeV 41A GeV 8.5 GeV 8.9 GeV light ions (Z/A = 0.5)45A GeV9.3 GeV protons90 GeV13 GeV CBM at SIS-300 …. at interaction rates up to 10 MHz (J/  )

Strangeness Excitation function of yields, spectra, and collective flow of strange particles in heavy-ion collisions from A GeV Physics case Phase transitions from hadronic matter to quarkyonic or partonic matter at high net-baryon densities CBM physics program I Equation-of-state of matter at neutron star core densities

Pb+Pb, Au+Au (central) FAIR RHIC beam energy scan CBM physics program I Strangeness Excitation function of yields, spectra, and collective flow of strange particles in heavy-ion collisions from A GeV 46

Physics case Electro-magnetic radiation from the dense fireball Chiral symmetry restoration in dense baryonic matter Experiment: R. Arnaldi et al. [NA60 Coll.], Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, (2006) , Eur. Phys. J. C 61, (2009) 711 Theory: R. Rapp, J. Wambach and H. van Hees, in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Physics, edited by R. Stock, Landolt Börnstein (Springer), New Series I/23A (2010), arXiv: hep-ph CBM physics program II Dileptons Excitation function of yields and phase-space distributions of lepton pairs in heavy-ion collisions from A GeV 47

CBM physics program II Dileptons Excitation function of yields and phase-space distributions of lepton pairs in heavy-ion collisions from A GeV G. Agakishiev et al., Phys. Rev. C 84 (2011) D. Adamova et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003)

Physics case First-order phase transition QCD critical point L. Adamczyk and the STAR Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, (2014) CBM physics program III Fluctuations Event-by-event fluctuations of conserved quantities like strangeness, baryons, and net-charge in heavy-ion collisions as function of beam energy from A GeV 49

FAIR CBM physics program IV Charm Cross sections and phase-space distributions of open and hidden charm in proton-nucleus collisions and nucleus- nucleus collisions at SIS100/300 energies Physics case Charm production at threshold energies Charm propagation in (dense) nuclear matter Charmonium suppression in partonic matter A. Frawley,T. Ulrich, R. Vogt, Phys.Rept.462: ,

A. Andronic et al., Phys. Lett. B697 (2011) 203 H. Stöcker et al., Nucl. Phys. A 827 (2009) 624c Production of hypernuclei via coalescence of hyperons and light nuclei CBM physics program V Strange matter Hypernuclei, strange dibaryons and massive strange objects 51

Particle multiplicity x branching ratio for min. bias Au+Au collisions at 25 A GeV (from HSD and thermal model) SPS Pb+Pb 30 A GeV STAR Au+Au  s NN =7.7 GeV Driving CBM experimental requirements in precision and rates Experimental challenges

CBM physics topics and observables Onset of chiral symmetry restoration at high  B  in-medium modifications of hadrons ( , ,   e + e - (μ + μ - ), D) Deconfinement phase transition at high  B  excitation function and flow of strangeness (K, , , ,  )  excitation function and flow of charm (J/ψ, ψ', D 0, D ,  c )  excitation function of low-mass lepton pairs The equation-of-state at high  B  collective flow of hadrons  particle production at threshold energies (multistrange hyperons, open charm?) QCD critical endpoint  excitation function of dynamical event-by-event fluctuations Strange matter  (double-) lambda hypernuclei  strange meta-stable objects (e.g. strange dibaryons)

Dipole magnet Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector Transition Radiation Detector Resistive Plate Chambers (TOF) Electro- magnetic Calorimeter (parking position) Silicon Tracking System Muon Detection System (parking position) Projectile Spectator Detector Vertex Detector HADES The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment 54

High density region is an important region to explore for 1st order PT and CP It requires to build from the existing results (SPS, BES-I) New experiments are being planned: BES-II, CBM Exploration of the QCD phase diagram in the region of high net-baryon densities with both rare and bulk probes  unchartered territory Challenging detector and computing requirements Summary 55

Back-up slides 56

Hyperon production via multiple strangeness exchange reactions: Hyperons (s quarks): 1.pp  K + Λ 0 p, pp  K + K - pp, 2.pΛ 0  K +  - p, πΛ 0  K +  - π, 3. Λ 0 Λ 0   - p, Λ 0 K -   -  0 4. Λ 0  -   - n,  - K -   -  - Antihyperons (anti-s quarks): 1. Λ 0 K +   +  0, 2.  + K +   +  +. Ω - production in 4 A GeV Au+Au HYPQGSM calculations, K. Gudima et al. Direct multi-strange hyperon production: pp   - K + K + p (E thr = 3.7 GeV) pp   - K + K + K 0 p (E thr = 7.0 GeV) pp  Λ 0 Λ 0 pp (E thr = 7.1 GeV) pp   +  - pp (E thr = 9.0 GeV) pp   +  - pp (E thr = 12.7 GeV The equation-of-state of symmetric nuclear matter at neutron star core densities Observable: multistrange hyperon production at (sub)threshold energies

Net-proton results: 1)All data show deviations below Poisson for κσ 2 at all energies. Larger deviation at √s NN ~20GeV 1)UrQMD model shows monotonic behavior in the moment products STAR: PRL112, 32302(14)/arXiv: Net-charge results: 1)No non-monotonic behavior 2)More affected by the resonance decays STAR: arXiv: P. Garg et al, PLB726, 691(13) Higher Moments Results BES-II BES-I



Fixed Target Experiments at Ultra-Relativistic Energies Beam energies: 2A GeV – 200A GeV Objective: Search for a Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) state 1 st generation: “not-so-heavy” ion  SPS-CERN, projectiles: 16 O and 32 S, E lab max = 200A GeV (1986 – 1993)  AGS-BNL, projectiles: 28 Si, E lab max = 14.5A GeV (1986 – 1991) 2 nd generation: heavy ions  SPS-CERN, projectiles: 208 Pb, E lab max = 158A GeV (1994 – 2002)  AGS-BNL, projectiles: 197 Au, E lab max = 11.5A GeV (1992 – 1994) Physics:  Signatures of a QGP (e.g. strangeness enhancement, J/  suppression, etc.)  Systematic studies (energy dependence)  look for onset phenomena Basic result:  Observations consistent with QGP hypothesis, but no unambigous evidence

Fixed Target Experiments at Relativistic Energies Beam energies: 100A MeV  2A GeV Pioneering experiments  BEVALAC: Plastic Ball and Streamer Chamber ( )  Syncho-Phasotron – Dubna (1975 – 1985) 2 nd generation experiments  SIS-GSI: FOPI, KAOS, HADES (1990 – today)  BEVALAC: EOS-TPC, DLS (1990 – 1992) Physics:  Collective effects  Discovery and investigation of flow effects  Equation of state (EOS)  Study of compressibility of dense nuclear matter  In-medium modifications  Kaons, low mass di-leptons Basic result:  Nuclear matter can be compressed and high energy densities can be achieved

A. Andronic, P. Braun-Munzinger, J. Stachel, arXiv: limiting chemical freeze-out temperaturelimiting transverse flow A.Andronic, arXiv: v1 [nucl-ex].arXiv: v1 Signatures of phase transitions in heavy-ion collisions ?

BES v 2 and Model Comparison (a)Hydro + Transport: consistent with baryon data. [ J. Steinheimer, V. Koch, and M. Bleicher PRC86, 44902(13).] (b) NJL model: Hadron splitting consistent. Sensitive to vector-coupling, CME, net-baryon density dependent. [J. Xu, et al., arXiv: /PRL ]

May Emission Duration and Expansion/Lifetime Alexander Schmah - Quark Matter 2014 Non-monotonicity in (R out ) 2 – (R side ) 2 R side /R long indicative of expansion/lifetime Roy Lacey, Mo, 14:20 Ron Soltz, Tue, 15:00 Softest point of EoS? Indication for CEP? (~ emission duration) (~ sound speed)