Do Now 1. Which area would have an easier hike in A or B? Why? 2. What feature is colored blue at the entrance of Oconeo State Park? 3. Which part of the map (top, bottom, left, right) is North? A B
Dimensions of the Earth: Topographic Maps
Aim: What are topographic maps and what information do they contain?
Objectives Explain how topographic maps use contour lines to show elevation Describe topographic map symbols Demonstrate how to use topographic maps to determine the shape of the land, the flow of rivers, and distance
What exactly is a topographic map? Topographic Map Shows topography of the natural and man-made features Shows the shape of the Earth’s surface Relief Highs and lows of an area Illustrated by shading and coloration
How can you tell what the land looks like by looking at a topo map? Countour Lines Narrow lines indicating elevation (height above sea level) Never intersect All points along a contour line are the same elevation Countour Interval Difference in elevation between two consecutive countour lines
What is the contour interval?
Depression - a contour line with small lines all the way around drawn inward
Streams- always flow down hill Higher to lower elevation
How can we tell how steep an area is? Slope The distance between two contour lines Far apart = gradual slope Close together = steep slope Elevation Angle between a given point and an observer The altitude of a given point
Greater slope A or B? A B
How can we determine the slope of a mountain? Starting point 1,400 ft Summit 3,165 ft Distance 2.5 miles MATH TIME 3,165 – 1,400 = 1,765 ft (change in elevation) 1,765 / 2.5 miles = 706 ft per mile
Mt. Marcy, Adirondack Park NY Start 2,144 ft Summit 5,344 ft Distance 7.4 miles Slope = 3,200 ft / 7.4 mi = 432 ft / mile
Mt. McKinley (Denali) Start 7,200 ft Summit 20,320 ft Distance 18 miles Slope 13,120 ft / 18 = 729 ft / mile
Mount Everest Slope Starting elevation 17,400 ft Summit 29,035 ft Distance 8.5 miles Slope = 11,635 ft / 8.5 = 1,369 ft/ mile
What are all these symbols??? Pg 697 in textbook
How can we tell direction? Compass Rose Shows magnetic declination Magnetic Decllination Angle expressing the difference between magnetic N and geographic N Variation in the compass needle from true north
Making a profile-handout Plotting points where exact height is known 1. Place the edge of paper on top of line to be followed 2. if your paper crosses a countour line, make a mark 3. record height of the countour next to corresponding mark on paper