AJ’s Photos
perspective I think its perspective because you can tell the person that took this picture had to either bend down or squat to get this picture. Owner: ma got sole License information: Attribution No Derivatives Photo Credit or URL: photo credit: Ma Got Sole via photopin cc
perspective I think its perspective because you can tell that this pic was taken from an angle. Owner: davidyuweb License information: Attribution No Derivatives Non-Commercial Photo Credit or URL:photo credit: davidyuweb via photopin cc
Depth of field You can for sure tell its depth of field because you cant really define the background due to its blur. Owner: vinoth chander License information: Attribution non-commercial no derivatives Photo Credit or URL:photo credit:photo credit: Shandi-lee via photopin cc
Depth of field This s depth of field because its pretty blurry in the background. Its mostly focused on the board. Owner: B.Romain License information: Attribution No Derivatives Non-Commercial Share Alike Photo Credit or URL:photo credit: B.Romain via photopin cc
line The hill line for sure draws your eye dead into the picture. Owner: paul kline License information: Attribution Photo Credit or URL:photo credit: Paul Kline via photopin cc
line Not only do I think the bridge draws you in but so does the train so I definitely think this is line in many ways. Owner: peters License information: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Photo Credit or URL: photo credit: peters via photopin cc
Rule of thirds I think this is rule of thirds because the balls are on one side and the building is on another. Its not just a picture taken straight on, it has its fair share of space. Owner: stef thomas License information: Attribution No Derivatives Non-Commercial Photo Credit or URL: photo credit: stef thomas via photopin cc
Rule of thirds This is rule of thirds because the butterfly is on one side and flower is on other so its all kind of evened out. Owner:vivkis nature License information: Attribution No Derivatives Non-Commercial Photo Credit orphoto credit: Vicki's Nature via photopin cc