Derek Sitosky Lighting/Electrical von Liebig Center for Science
The Science Center is an 88,230 square foot, 20 million dollar facility located in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and is the newest addition to Juniata College. Its classic brick façade and look fits perfectly within the historical campus architecture. The building is mostly composed of laboratory spaces, which house the chemistry and biology departments. Over the past two summers I had the chance to work on larger lab facilities for NIH and UCLA so it was only fitting to continue in the laboratory field. Design Team - Owner: Juniata College - Civil Engineer: Keller Engineers - Structural Engineer: Fink, Roberts & Petrie, Inc. - M.E.P. Engineer: Burt Hill Kosar Rittelmann Assoc. - Lab Consultant: Research Facilities Design - Architect: Hastings & Chivetta Architects, Inc.
Focus Lighting Chemical Synthesis Lab Comparison Between two layouts. Lecture Hall Breadth Mechanical Enthalpy Wheel LEED Study
Criteria Blend in with Older Surroundings Classic Cost Effective And Low Energy Functionality Cool
Layout 1
Pendant 59.7W 2T8 Bench Strip 42W T12 Fixtures
Lab Bench
Layout and Switching Semi indirect pendant Fixtures are mounted between the lab benches. Each side of the lab bench utilizes an overhead strip providing light directly to the bench surface There are two rows of lamps per pendant. Lamp rows are switched separately from one another. These switches are found at each of the three doors. The strip lights are controlled at each end of the bench. This switching method will provide the required light levels for both experimental and normal class use.
Light Levels
Power Density Bench Strip: 42W x 24 = 1008W Pendant: 59.7W x 24 = W Total = W Square Feet = W/ft^2 ASHRAE 90.1 for a classroom 1.8 W/ft^2
Layout 2
2x2 Recessed Parabolic Troffer 3 17W Fluorescents
Layout and Switching 2’x2’ Fixtures are mounted around lab benches on a 2’ grid. Fixtures are wired in tandem with one switch controlling the innermost lamp and the other controlling the two outer lamps of each fixture. Switches are located at each of the three doors. This switching method will provide the required light levels for both experimental and normal class use.
Light Levels
Power Density 2x2: 71W x 36 = 2556W Square Feet = W/ft^2 ASHRAE 90.1 for a classroom 1.8 W/ft^2
Downlight 42W Triple Tube Compact Fluorescent Wallwasher 35W T16 Fluorescent
Layout 6” Downlight 4’ Wallwashers Switching
Power Density Downlights: 48W x 66 = 3168W Wallwasher: 39W x 5 = 195W Total = 3363W Square Feet = 2400ft^2 1.4 W/ft^2 ASHRAE 90.1 for a classroom 1.6 W/ft^2
Mechanical Enthalpy Wheel Rotary heat exchangers revolve in a plane perpendicular to the airflow and work off of exhausted air on the principle of sensible and latent energy transfer. Harnessing this wasted energy by means of an aluminum wheel and desiccant material helps cool and heat the flow of air into the building. The Science Center currently supplies its spaces with outdoor air as well as return air from various spaces. Many of the spaces are labs in which air must be exhausted and cannot be directly put back into the system. The proposed heat exchanger will work off of this exhausted air.
Schematics The system recovers both sensible and latent energy from the exhaust air. Sensible energy is captured on the aluminum wheel and as the wheel turns, it transfers this energy to the outside air stream coming into the building. The latent energy is captured in a similar manner. The desiccant absorbs moisture from a stream with high vapor pressure and desorbs it to the lower vapor pressure stream.
Psychometrics Design conditions: 75F DB 62.5F WB and 64.9Gr/lb.
Savings Cooling. AHU ton AHU ton AHU-1 $1, AHU-2 $1,275.31
Savings Heating. AHU-1 1,546,538.4 BTU/h AHU-2 1,172,746.1 BTU/h AHU-1 $ AHU-2 $ Total Savings $
LEED Study LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a rating system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council to assess the environmental sustainability of building designs. LEED is based on points that are earned for building attributes considered environmentally beneficial. LEED has six credit categories on a 69-point scale. These areas include: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy & atmosphere, materials & resources, indoor environmental quality and innovation & design process.
Benefits Environmental Enhance and protect ecosystems and biodiversity Improve air and water quality Reduce solid waste Conserve natural resources Economical Reduce operating costs Enhance asset value and profits Improve employee productivity and satisfaction Optimize life-cycle economic performance Health and Community Benefits Improve air, thermal and acoustic environments Enhance occupant comfort and health Minimize strain on local infrastructure Contribute to overall quality of life
Environmental Water Savings Recycled Rainwater Catch the rainwater from the roof via a gutter and pipe system to storage tanks. The rainwater will be used to irrigate landscaping in the courtyard as well as to the near-by football field. Tanks could be hidden underground or under the football field bleachers. Waterless Urinals Waterless urinals save on average 45,000 gallons of water a year per urinal (1.5-3 gallons a flush). These urinals install just like their water counterparts but they eliminate the flush water supply lines and valves. The urinal surfaces are treated with a urine repellent substance that takes the place of flushing water
Economical Energy Performance Most of the building was within ASHRAE standards however spaces like laboratories and lecture halls were reduced. Lighting lodes were reduced by 5%. In addition to lighting loads, the use of an enthalpy wheel reduces chiller and boiler loads. Measurement and Verification By measuring and monitoring how much water and energy is consumed, building owners can predict usage and develop ways to save energy. This performance data can be compared to operation reduction goals.
Health and Community Benefits Low Emitting Materials: Paints, Carpets, Adhesives, Wood Reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, potentially irritating, and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of installers and occupants. This can be achieved by specifying low-voc materials. Low-voc means low volatile organic compounds CO 2 Providing CO2 monitoring raises indoor air quality thus sustaining long- term occupant comfort and well being. CO 2 HVAC Controls sensor is designed to monitor carbon dioxide CO 2 levels in the air and interface with the ventilation damper in an HVAC system. These levels can be used as input to a controller to control the ventilation damper position and ensure an adequate level of outside air in the building.
Conclusion Thanks To Burt Hill Kosar Rittelmann Assoc Juniata College AE Staff