Ms. Bragman/Mrs. Herth Social Studies 8-1 October 16, 2012 Aim: Was the settling of the frontier a sign of American progress? REMINDER Did you remember to… enter the room quietly write your hw into agenda book open binder place all other books under table REMINDER Did you remember to… enter the room quietly write your hw into agenda book open binder place all other books under table Do Now: Jot down 3 key pieces of information that you learned from the “Heartland” video yesterday. You may refer back to the questions that accompanied the video.
SQ3R The Era of Change in The West
What did Henry Comstock find that he was unaware of its true value? Comstock found one of the richest silver mines in the world in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
What city started as a result of the Comstock Lode?
What three negative effects did the rush of miners into Colorado, Nevada, and Dakotas have on the towns? -Pollution -Lawlessness & disorder (The “Wild West”) -Gold or silver production decreased causing miners to move on = Ghost Town
What was the Pony Express? The Pony Express was a mail delivery system from It became the west's most direct means of east- west communication. Riders rode horses to deliver the mail. There is a famous advertisement that reportedly read, "Wanted: Young, skinny, wiry fellows not over eighteen. Must be expert riders, willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred."
Define Transcontinental Railroad A railroad that stretches from coast to coast. This railroad, built between 1863 and 1869 connected the Atlantic & Pacific Coasts of the U.S.
Where did the Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads meet? Utah
What big impacts did the Transcontinental Railroad have on life in the West? Brought growth and new settlement. Enabled people, money, supplies, and mail to move quickly and cheaply. Settlements sprung up along the tracks. Western territories applied for statehood: CO, ND, SD, MT, WA, ID, WY
Which Indian nations lived on the Great Plains? -Lakota/Sioux -Arikaras -Cheyenne -Kiowas -Comanches -Arapahos
What was the culture of the Plains Indians? -Well-organized religions and rituals -Made fine handicrafts -Created poetry -Unique languages -Relied on buffalo -Tamed horses
Define reservation A limited area of land set aside for Native Americans to live after they were forced off of their land by American settlers.
How did settlers threaten the way of life of Plains Indians? -Forced Plains Indians from their lands, which led to wars -Settlers hunted buffalo, causing Plains Indians to starve -Forced Plains Indians to “Americanize”
What battles did the army and Indians fight on the Plains? -The Chivington Massacre -The Battle of Little Bighorn (Sioux War of 1876) -The Apache Wars -Wounded Knee
Where did Indians retreat to? Various reservations in the following states: OK, ND, SD, MT, WY, UT, CO, NM, NV, AZ
Define Longhorn Longhorn were strays from cattle ranches that grew into large herds of wild cattle.
Define Vaquero Vaqueros were skilled riders who herded cattle on ranches in Mexico, California, and the Southwestern U.S. Vaqueros wore wide- brimmed hats as a form of protection against the harsh sun of the Southwest.
Define Sodbuster A sodbuster was a name for a Plains farmer. Farmers were called this because they had to break the sod (land) beneath them in order to farm.
How did cattle ranching become a big business? Cow Towns were formed along railroad lines. Businesses would thrive in these towns. The expansion of railroad lines helped cattle ranching spread across the West. The invention of barbed wire also greatly helped cattle ranching become a big business.
What brought many new farmers to the Plains? The Homestead Act encouraged many new farmers to move to the Great Plains. People were given 160 acres of land if they agreed to farm it for five years. Also, poverty in the east pushed new farmers west.
American Progress by John Gast, 1872 Painting Analysis
Writing Response Please respond to one of the two prompts. You may use it as part of your topic sentence. Settling of the frontier was a sign of progress. Settling of the frontier was not a sign of progress.