Teacher’s Evaluation of Learning Strategies. A study of the possibility for teachers to evaluate student’s use of language learning strategies.
Research questions Which strategies to learn new words in English can be used in year 5, 7 and 9 in a Swedish school? Which strategies to learn new words do their teachers acknowledge? Is it possible for the teachers to evaluate the individual use of strategies among these pupils?
Background Cognitive, meta cognitive and social and affective strategies Introduced and recognized early in the learning process Vocabulary and reading comprehension are strongly linked Important to use target language Teach language learning
Method Interview in group with 5 pupils from each year Questionnaire by mail to their teachers 1. What strategies do you practice to learn new words and to understand a text? 2. How important is reading, listening, talking? 3. How often do pupils and teachers use spoken English? Is it possible to evaluate strategies?
Findings A variety of strategies introduced at an early age Some shared strategies Reading and listening most important Older pupils use target language Not possible or interesting to evaluate strategies
Conclusion Many but limited range of strategies Important to hear and read target language An individual process Not possible to fully detect without close interview Time demanding evaluation Teach strategies but difficult to evaluate
References: Books Leung, C English as an additional language: language and literacy development. Royston. UK: United Kingdom Reading Association O’Malley, J.M. & Chamont, A.U Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Oxford, R Language Learning Strategies. Heinle & Heinle Publisher, Boston, USA.
Articles: Börjesson, L Strategier i engelska och moderna språk. Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik, Göteborgs universitet enu/article/attachment/Strategier%20i%20engelsk a%20och%20moderna%20spr%C3%A5k.pdf ( ) enu/article/attachment/Strategier%20i%20engelsk a%20och%20moderna%20spr%C3%A5k.pdf Oxford, R Language learning strategies: An update. ( )