Additional Education Provision at Moat Road, Oldbury
2 Timetable today Welcome Introduction and information Question and Answers Site Visit
3 A New Secondary School in Oldbury – Why ? Facts and Figures: Birth rate increased by 26% in 7 years
4 A New Secondary School in Oldbury – Why? Facts and Figures: 25 new forms of primary entry by 2015/16 17 expansions of existing primary schools 3 temporary “bulge” expansions
5 This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's stationery Office. © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Sandwell M.B.C. Licence No FE required by 2023
6 Year 6 to Year 7 cross border movement
7 Inflow505 Outflow647
8 Inflow 934 Outflow3278
11 Our Aim To ensure all pupils have access to high quality education across the borough Good or outstanding Primary84% Special/PRU100% Secondary52%
12 Opportunities Supports the council’s ongoing commitment to raising standards To work with a proven provider who can deliver high quality outcomes for Sandwell’s young people Re-use of existing secondary school site Meets Oldbury’s needs in a single solution
13 Evaluation Criteria You are an approved Academy sponsor (or in the process of becoming one) or an established Free School provider; where relevant please provide date of DfE approval or anticipated date of approval A vision that demonstrates sustainable educational excellence Evidence of partnership working (with schools, other education providers, local businesses, local community) A track record of high educational performance with results at both GCSE and post 16 at or above national levels Experience of attracting and managing financial investment, skills and business expertise to support delivery
14 When? Deadline for outline proposals: 8 January 14 Decision by 16 January with preferred proposers invited to submit detailed proposals Closing date:12 February Decision: 28 February Council approval: 9 April Sent to Secretary of State for approval: 16 April Opening of new school: September 2015
15 How? Up to £1million investment from the Council match funded by the proposer Redevelopment of the site can be phased over a 5 year period Retain and refurbish all or some of the existing buildings Access to the playing fields for relocated primary school
16 Site Plan
17 Your challenge To provide high quality learning opportunities to deliver results at or above national levels To create a successful and financially sustainable sixth form delivering a broad curriculum To work in partnership with schools, other education providers and local businesses to establish a successful, popular school To bring your expertise to add value
word submission
Additional Education Provision at Moat Road, Oldbury Questions & Answers