Collider Physics based on e-Science Paradigm Kihyeon Cho (On behalf of High Energy Physics KISTI) APCTP YongPyong 2010 YongPyong Resort, Korea,


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Presentation transcript:

Collider Physics based on e-Science Paradigm Kihyeon Cho (On behalf of High Energy Physics KISTI) APCTP YongPyong 2010 YongPyong Resort, Korea, Feb. 23~27, Korea 1

Kihyeon Cho Thank Junghyun Kim Soo-hyeon Nam Jungil Lee Seung Woo Ham 2

Kihyeon Cho Contents e-Science paradigm Experiment-Computing-Theory Results Summary 3

Kihyeon Cho 4 Theory Exp. Comp. Tony Hey (MS) Effects Experimental Science Theoretical Science Computational Science e-Science -Thousand Years ago -Experimental Science - description of natural phenomena -Last few hundred years -Theoretical Science -Newton ’ s Laws, Maxwell ’ s Equations … -Last few decades -Computational Science -simulation of complex phenomena -Today -e-Science -Data Centric Science -unify theory, experiment, and simulation 이론 실험 Comp. HPC and Information Management are Key Technologies to support e- Science Revolution e-Science paradigm? Hardness

Kihyeon Cho Computing Experiment Theory Feed-back and tools Supercomputer e-HEP => To study Standard Model and beyond it e-Science e-Science paradigm 5

Experiment-Computing e-HEP (High Energy Physics) 6

Kihyeon Cho 7 e-HEP (High Energy Physics) 2007 ~ e-Science Grid FKPPL VO Farm(IN2P3,Fr.) & LCG CAF (CDF Analysis Farm) (IN2P3,France) Pacific CAF (AS, Taiwan), KEK Farm (KEK, Japan) North America CAF (Fermilab, USA) EU USA Asia Pacific CAF, Visuallization Using e-HEP, SM, B-physics KREONET, GLORIAD, Supercomputer & NSDC farm 10 Enable Discovery KISTI Belle/Belle-II CDF e-HEP Belle-II DH leader To study high energy physics anytime, anywhere

Kihyeon Cho CDF Remote Control 8

Kihyeon Cho Belle Experiment 9 => PRL Draft Reference from Prof. Belle Analysis Meeting ( )

Kihyeon Cho 10 Reference from Prof. Belle Analysis Meeting ( ) Belle Experiment

Theory-Experiment 11

Kihyeon Cho Theory-Experiment To develop the fusion system of pheno- menology and data analysis Based on this system, we apply Monte Carlo system for experiments. To apply this system to hadron collider experiments in order to study the standard model (SM) and new physics (NP). To apply new tools to future experiments Belle-II, LHC, etc. 12

Kihyeon Cho Higgs mass at Tevatron 13  Exclusion region on SM Higgs boson mass at 95% C.L. at Tevatron (Upper Figure).  Higgs Production of the BMSSM with spontaneous CP violation via Higgs-strahlung Process (W,Z) at Tevatron (Lower Figure).  We can apply to the Higgs boson mass of the BMSSM by using the exclusion potential of the SM Higgs boson mass. => Under Way

Kihyeon Cho Tools for future experiment Belle-II DH with AMGA => ILC etc. 14

Kihyeon Cho 15 Polarization of J/ψ at RHIC  PRD 81, ( ) by Jungil Lee  Cited by BNL PHENIX Collaboration  PHENIX Collaboration has measured J/ψ polarization

Theory-Computing 16

Kihyeon Cho Theory-Computing To set theoretical model To do parallelization and optimization for Supercomputing To develop PYTHIA code 17

Kihyeon Cho Theory-Computing CP Violation in the beyond Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (BMSSM) Possibility of spontaneous CP violation in Higgs physics beyond the minimal supersymetric model => S.W.Ham, Seung-A Shim, S.K.Oh, PRD80, (2009). 18

Kihyeon Cho e-Science Service Resource Linux OS LCG/gLite Daejeon Supercomputer, Cluster Busan Storage Gwangju Visualization KREONET Seoul GLORIAD Belle/Belle2 ALICE Theory CDF … … AIX OS(IBM) KISTI KISTI CA Middleware 19 S.W.Ham, Seung-A Shim, S.K.Oh, PRD80, (2009).

Kihyeon Cho 20

Kihyeon Cho 21

Kihyeon Cho 22

Kihyeon Cho H-A mixing in PYTHIA 23 H Decay : ff, WW, ZZ, gg, … Higgs-strahlung process at the ILC A Decay : ff, WW, ZZ, gg, … MSUB(171)=1 : H Production MSUB(172)=1 : A Production PARU(181)=1 : A Decay into Down-Type Quark PARU(182)= 1 : A Decay into Up-Type Quark 1=PARU(183)=PARU(184)=PARU(185) … : A Decay into Lepton, Gauge Bosons, …

Kihyeon Cho Event listing (summary): Under Way I particle/jet KS KF orig p_x p_y p_z E m 1 !e+! !e-! ============================================================ 3 !e+! !e-! !e+! !e-! !Z0! !A0! !u! !ubar! !b! !bbar! ============================================================== 13 (Z0) (A0) gamma gamma u A ubar V b A bbar V ============================================================== sum: A0 -> b bbar decay for MA=100 GeV

Kihyeon Cho Results

Kihyeon Cho Science TV (2009.1) => Great success of Experiment-Computing-Theory

Kihyeon Cho Summary The paradigm of e-Science Experiment-Computing-Theory Have applied the paradigm to HEP => Great success. Hope to extend this concept to other areas of physics 27

Thank you. 28