1| | The International Classroom; safe and open? Franka van den Hende Project manager International Classroom Policy advisor in internationalization and education PhD researcher University of Groningen
2| The International Classroom; safe and open? Short introduction › what is your role and organization? › do you work in an international environment? What is internationalization? › a process of integrating an international and intercultural dimension into the teaching, research and service functions of the institution (Knight, 2008) › organizational adaptation and innovation, it is a strategic planning process that needs to be representative and participative of organizational culture (Bartell, 2003)
3| The International Classroom; safe and open? Research university, 5,000 international students, 25% study abroad, > 120 nationalities, 35% international staff, 107 Master’s, 21 Bachelor’s, 11 joint programs in English.
4| The International Classroom; safe and open? › what is an international classroom? › or: what makes a program international? › English language creates more diversity › how to work effectively with student and staff diversity › working from a specific vision on internationalization › including the overall teaching and learning environment (e.g. networks and values) › appropriate and effective support for staff and students › working with international and intercultural learning outcomes.
5| The International Classroom; safe and open? Why internationalize, in your organization, specific context? > group discussion › attract more international students › and international staff (create diversity) › create greater inclusion of all students and staff › achieve higher employability for all students › produce higher quality and more innovative education › achieve European quality label (CeQuint).
6| The International Classroom; safe and open? How to develop an international classroom? (a change process) › start with good practices, work with the willing › combine top-down and bottom-up › involve all levels and stakeholders, focus on the teachers › follow a scholarly approach › create cross-disciplinary and interdepartmental discussion › balance between generic models and specific context › work with international experts › dissemination through seminars, booklets, presentations and academic articles.
7| The International Classroom; safe and open? International Classroom (IC) project ( ) › development of an institutional vision on internationalization › development of an institutional language/culture policy and implementation plan › pilot case studies in three faculties (based on international research) › development of IC framework and process model › seminars, booklets, presentations, workshops, publications › project call for all faculties › faculties develop and implement the international classroom › prepare for CeQuint accreditation in 2018.
8| The International Classroom; safe and open? Initial observations › vision on internationalisation at faculty and program level can be enhanced › high impact of Dutch culture (local, disciplinary, academic) › diversity can be used more as a resource › learning outcomes based on international frameworks but not explicitly global and intercultural › support required (tailor-made and integrated) for language and intercultural competences › important role for students (and study associations).
9| The International Classroom; safe and open? How to make IC safe and open? › inclusive: accessible, transparent and understandable › safe: open, small-scale, personalized, supportive environment › diversity as a resource (rather than a deficiency) › active, purposeful learning (meaningful tasks, appropriate pedagogical design).
10| The International Classroom; safe and open? How? Where to start? › awareness › reflection › engagement › personal development › professional development › sharing good practices › creating shared understandings.
11| The International Classroom; safe and open? Illustrative quotes (from pilot case studies) › “interaction works when students see the benefit and find common ground” (lecturer) › “whenever I learn anything about myself or about my friends, it is never when we are agreeing on subjects or when we share the same experience. You always learn about other cultures and other perspectives when you discuss it from different angles” (student) › “we only started to realize the Dutch ness of our rules when international students came to Groningen” (lecturer) › “international students also need to make an effort. You cannot come to a foreign country and not adapt. You need to try methods for making things work” (international student).
12| The International Classroom; safe and open? Tools › institutional vision on internationalization › International Classroom conceptual framework › approach for internationalizing learning outcomes › constructive alignment with teaching, learning, assessment › professional development programs for teachers › support and expertise available for all faculties. Networks › IC project team for expertise development and sharing › involve students and student associations › work with international experts and partners.
13| The International Classroom; safe and open? Discussion › how international is your work/study environment? › how open and safe is it? › what tools, expertise and networks do you use?
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