DATA COLLECTION/ANALYSIS Physics with Technology
Data Collection How to make a good data table: You should always collect at LEAST 4 data points. Your first row is the Title and it MUST include both Label and Units. The appropriate form of the title is Label (Unit).
Data Collection Let’s practice! Bob does a lab with a bowling ball and sand. First he holds the ball ten meters above the sand, and then he drops the ball and measures how deep the hole is that forms (measured in centimeters). He repeats this four more times increasing the drop height by ten meters each time. The first column in our data table will be because. The second column in our data table will be because. height he changed it depth of hole he measured it
Data Collection Draw the appropriate data table below. (Make sure to include labels and units and fill out the first column values.) Height (m) Depth of Hole (cm)
Data Collection Betty does a lab with a water rocket and modeling clay. She puts 100 grams of clay on the rocket and then launches it. She records how much time the rocket was in the air before it hits the ground. Then she puts 150 grams of clay on the rocket and repeats. She continues this process for six total launches. The first column in our data table will be because. The second column in our data table will be because. Mass of modeling clay she changed it time she measured it
Data Collection Draw the appropriate data table below. (Make sure to include labels and units and fill out the first column values.) Mass of Modeling Clay (g) Time(s)
Data Analysis How to make a good data graph: Above the graph you must write a Title. The value of each gridline is called the scale. You want your graph to be as big as possible.
Data Analysis Both of the graphs shown below record the same data. But one is good and one is bad. Make sure you understand the difference. Good use of a graph scale: Notice how in this graph the scale of the graph is too big which squishes the graph into the corner Bad use of a graph scale:
Data Analysis Finding a good graph scale: To find a good scale take the largest value and divide by the number of boxes. Then round to a friendly number. “Friendly numbers” are numbers like 2, 3, 5, and 10. They are numbers that we find easy to count by.
Data Analysis Should I include (0,0): How do I know if (0,0) should be included on my graph? Ask: If the first variable is zero, then does it make sense that the second variable would also be zero? (Use common sense)
Data Analysis Let’s practice! Bob records the following data in his bowling ball lab. Make a good graph to go with it. Horizontal Scale: Vertical Scale: 50 / 15 = 3.3 → 5 30 / 15 = 2 Impact Depth vs. Drop Height Drop Height (m) Impact Depth (cm) Does (0,0) make sense?Yes!......
Data Analysis Betty records the following data in her rocket lab. Make a good graph to go with it. Horizontal Scale: Vertical Scale: 350 / 15 = 23.3 → / 15 = Air Time vs. Clay Mass Clay Mass (g) Air Time (s) Does (0,0) make sense?No! → 0.5