93% of the coal is used to generate all of the electricity. The other 7% is used for energy sources to make different products.
To generate electricity in homes, trains and other companies.
Coal is found underground all across America.
Lots of coal on the Earth Inexpensive compared to others Can be safely stored Electricity produced by coal is reliable Does not rely on weather
Burning coal creates harmful waste such as carbon dioxide Has led to acid rain Coal mining can scar landscapes and scare away wildlife Mining coal can cause health problems for miners Limited amounts remain
The two major environmental concerns about coal are the carbon dioxide levels and acid rain.
Most cultural concerns involve strip mining, and no, strip mining is not as it seems, and the new slang for this is “Mountaintop Removal”. This destroys the environment near the mine, and scares away the wildlife.
The miners can be killed in a cave-in or explosion. The miners can have health problems from working in the mine.
The CAA (Clean Air Act) put a limit on how much pollutants can be released into the air. Several ways to reduce sulfur from coal have been found. Research in happening to address the carbon dioxide concerns about coal. Researchers are looking for substitutes to coal
In the good ole’ USA, the government is trying to make “clean coal” by reducing the Co2 and sulfur emissions. However, a method for this has not been found yet, and when it is (estimated to be within the year 2020) the price for “clean coal” would be ridiculously expensive. Therefore, a new catchphrase has been born. “No coal is clean coal.”