Seeing the Whole Picture
It’s Important to See the Whole Picture
Malchus Incident MatthewMarkLukeJohn
Malchus Incident Matthew -one with Jesus - a high priest servant’s ear was cut off -Jesus tells the one to put the sword away MarkLukeJohn
Malchus Incident Matthew -one with Jesus -a high priest’s servant’s ear was cut off -Jesus tells the one to put the sword away Mark -one that stood by -a high priest’s servant’s was cut off LukeJohn
Malchus Incident Matthew -one with Jesus -a high priest’s servant’s ear was cut off -Jesus tells the one to put the sword away Mark -one that stood by -a high priest’s servant’s was cut off Luke -one of them -the high priest’s servant was smote and his ear cut off -it was his right ear John
Malchus Incident Matthew -one with Jesus -a high priest’s servant’s ear was cut off -Jesus tells the one to put the sword away Mark -one that stood by -a high priest’s servant’s was cut off Luke -one of them -the high priest’s servant was smote and his ear cut off -it was his right ear John -Peter had a sword and drew it -Peter cut off the high priest’s servant’s ear -it was his right ear -his name was Malchus
Malchus Synopsis One that was with Jesus, Peter, had a sword and drew it and cut off the right ear of the high priest’s servant, whose name was Malchus, after which Jesus told him to put his sword away and healed his ear.
Peter’s Denials MatthewMarkLukeJohn
Peter’s Denials Matthew -sitting outside in the courtyard -1 st was a servant girl -2 nd was a servant girl -3 rd were bystanders -Peter remembers -He goes and weeps MarkLukeJohn
Peter’s Denials Matthew -sitting outside in the courtyard -1 st was a servant girl -2 nd was a servant girl -3 rd were bystanders -Peter remembers -He goes and weeps Mark -below in the courtyard -1 st was a servant girl of high priest -2 nd was the maid talking to bystanders -3 rd were bystanders -He remembers -began to weep LukeJohn
Peter’s Denials Matthew -sitting outside in the courtyard -1 st was a servant girl -2 nd was a servant girl -3 rd were bystanders -Peter remembers -He goes and weeps Mark -below in the courtyard -1 st was a servant girl of high priest -2 nd was the maid talking to bystanders -3 rd were bystanders -He remembers -began to weep Luke -they had kindled a fire in middle of courtyard -1 st was servant girl -2 nd another -3 rd another man -remembered -Jesus turns to look at him -goes and weeps John
Peter’s Denials Matthew -sitting outside in the courtyard -1 st was a servant girl -2 nd was a servant girl -3 rd were bystanders -Peter remembers -He goes and weeps Mark -below in the courtyard -1 st was a servant girl of high priest -2 nd was the maid talking to bystanders -3 rd were bystanders -He remembers -began to weep Luke -they had kindled a fire in middle of courtyard -1 st was servant girl -2 nd another -3 rd another man -remembered -Jesus turns to look at him -goes and weeps John -warming himself -1 st was a slave girl -2 nd “they” -3 rd slave of high priest and relative of Malchus
Peter’s Denials Synopsis Peter follows Jesus at a distance and ends up in a courtyard at a time when it was cold and was warming himself by a fire. A servant girl first mentions his association with Jesus, which is his first denial. Later some bystanders also mention his association, which is his second denial. Finally, a relative of Malchus’mentions his association, which is Peter’s final denial.
Other Parts of Jesus' Picture John 2- wedding at Cana Mark 8 and John 9- healing the blind man with His spit
How Can We Use This? So that we know the whole Word So we can teach others the whole Word So we can make a point in other areas of the Scriptures
Salvation Acts 15:11-saved through grace
Salvation Acts 15:11-saved through grace Acts 2:21-call on his name
Salvation Acts 15:11-saved through grace Acts 2:21-call on his name Romans 10:9-10-confess and believe that God raised Him from the dead
Salvation Acts 15:11-saved through grace Acts 2:21-call on his name Romans 10:9-10-confess and believe that God raised Him from the dead Mark 16:16-believe and be baptized
Salvation Acts 15:11-saved through grace Acts 2:21-call on his name Romans 10:9-10-confess and believe that God raised Him from the dead Mark 16:16-believe and be baptized Acts 2:38-baptism for remission of sins