Moving On Up
Welcome & Introductions
Today’s session Moving On Up Sustainable Travel for School and Leisure - A journey towards Independence
How confident would you be to travel on your own to a place in a town you have not been to before? BeforeAfter I would not attempt this I would not want to do this but would if I had to I would like to do this but feel a bit nervous about it No problem when do I go?
What does ‘Sustainable Travel’ mean to you?
Sustainable Travel Options Bus Train Metro Walk Bike Car Share
Climate Impacts of Travel Transportation accounts for 23% of all global carbon dioxide emissions. CO2 Emissions per passenger (Grams per kilometre)
How Many Bus Stops13200 How many Rail Stations74 How many Metro Stations15 How many journeys per year286,000,000 How long to get between Wolverhampton and 17min Train Birmingham centres35min Metro
Active Travel
Speed20 km/hr Cycling time t60 min Cycling distance20 km Weight of cyclist75 kg Weight of the bicycle15 kg Rolling resistance coefficient C r Air resistance coefficient C w 0.9 Frontal surface area A f 0.6 m 2 Uphill slope k0 % C w · A f 0.54 m 2 Air resistance F air = ½ ρ v 2 C w A f 10.8 N Rolling resistance F rol = m tot g C r 4.4 N Force for climbing F climb = m tot g sinφ0N Energy per minute E = F tot v t, t=60 s5.1 kJ/min Energy "burned" per minute 1) 40.3 kJ/min Efficiency of the cyclist12.5% Driving power P = F v84 W Energy delivered E = P t303 kJ Energy consumed (burned) 1) 2419 kJ Energy in a Mars Bar1095 kJ Distance Cycled from energy in Mars Bar9 km How far (in km) do you think you could cycle on the energy from one standard 58g Mars bar? = 9km Yes Someone actually worked it all out scientifically That’s the distance between West Bromwich Albion and Birmingham City’s Grounds
Folding bikes can be taken on Trains, Busses and the Metro Non folding bikes can be taken on local trains
Journey Planning Options 15k ?? 3k 0.25k
Introducing independent travel: Walking
Introducing independent travel: Cycling
Introducing independent travel: Public Transport
Introducing independent travel: Car Share
Safer Travel Partnership
Over 1000 cameras 50 x 42” screens Staffed 24/7 In Birmingham – right now!
Emergency Help Points
Under 16 Photocard Free Ensures that you pay child fares, even if you look older Can be used as child photocard for season tickets
Journey Planning Many regular bus route users don’t need to bother to look at a time table, but: What if the timetable changes? What if you need to travel at a different time or on a new route? What if you are not in your home area?
Journey Planning
Looking at a paper bus time table Right timetable for route Check day of week Check in-bound and out-bound sections Understand 24hr clock Understand why there may be gaps in the table Understand what Sch and SHol mean Understand what ‘And then at these mins past each hour until’ means
Journey Planning THIS SECTION NEEDS CUSTOMISING FOR EACH PRESENTATION Copies of bus time table(s) covering the school should be provided Ask the young people to decide which bus they should catch from x to get to Y by Z Have a couple of examples ready
How confident would you be to travel on your own to a strange place in a town you have not been to before BeforeAfter I would not attempt this I would not want to do this but would if I had to I would like to do this but feel a bit nervous about it No problem when do I go?
Any Questions?
Thank You
Moving On Up