LGA Consortium Conference
Agenda Introduction Objective Overview 2
Introduction Barbara Bunn McCullough, Ph.D. CEO, Brighter Beginnings TCM and CMAA since 2004 Target teen, immigrant & ethnic parents and children 5 and under in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties 3
Introduction David Huey, Medicaid Specialist former Alameda LGA Coordinator and currently, LGA Consultant to the LGA Consortium Program Mgmt. Consulting for MAA and TCM 4
Objectives Community-based organizations (CBO) best practices to ensure State and Federal requirements are met Partnership with your LGA 5
Overview Collaboration is the key to a successful program! Start by contacting your LGA MAA/TCM coordinator in your County and establish a relationship to a fruitful partnership 6
Brighter Beginnings 7
Who Is Brighter Beginnings? History: Brighter Beginnings started in 1984 as the East Bay Perinatal Council. Formed by community activists to combat poor birth outcomes, we have since expanded to also fight the root causes of poor health. Mission: To support healthy births and successful child development by partnering with parents and helping to build strong communities. 8
Key Elements to success 9 Partnership and frequent communication are key Be sure you can “afford” to do TCM and MAA Have your own TCM/MAA Coordinator Make sure that you have enough accounting staff to manage the cost reports Good perpetual time review process is essential Record keeping is key
Who Is Brighter Beginnings? And why did we decide to do this? Fit with TCM/MAA programs: Brighter Beginnings programs are split between Case Management and site based services, both of which target low-income families with young children. Over 70% of our clients are eligible for Medi-Cal. We serve about 2700 people per year, most of whom are teen parents, low-income families, or immigrants with at least one child born in CA. 10
Who is the Local Governmental Agency (LGA)? The regional entity that is responsible for the MAA and TCM program in the County. The LGA functions as the: Gatekeeper for information and the conduit between DHCS and the claiming agency Administers and ensures program policy & compliance Trains & provides technical assistance Monitors and coordinates the program and all its required documentation 11
Who is the LGA MAA/TCM Coordinator? The LGA MAA/TCM Coordinator is the focal point within the LGA on all issues related to the MAA and TCM programs. The Coordinator must represent, oversee, and communicate with not only the organization of employment, but all participating programs/agencies. 12
Robust Time Survey Training In coordination with the LGA, they conduct a Train-the Trainer Time Survey and Claim Plan training to train and prepare all claiming agencies for participation. The LGA provides county-wide time survey training materials for consistent training by all agencies. Brighter Beginnings develops internal training for all staff. 13
Robust Time Survey Training Refresher trainings at Brighter Beginnings usually occur twice a year or when a need is expressed. Check with your LGA to see if they provide quarterly refresher trainings. If they do, take advantage. Staff are encouraged to review their training materials when they have questions. 14
Robust Time Survey Training Trainings are divided up by core duties: case management (Family Advocates for BB) and support staff. Supervisors are trained together as a group to be trainers and also with their teams in the refresher group trainings. 15
Best Practices 16
Perpetual Time Survey Invest in Workable Time Survey System QA Frequently With Perpetual Time Survey, provide frequent “refresher” trainings 17
Claiming Plan: Participants Ensure all new Staff is trained as soon as possible Verify all time survey participants are on claiming plan – Update before each quarter. Review if any other staff in claiming unit perform MAA/TCM. 18
Claiming Plan: Participants Verify all SPMP are claiming to applicable codes. Verify direct support staff for SPMPs are claimed at enhanced rate (CP1) 19
Claiming Plan: MAA Activities “ Code Fatigue” Underutilized code Over utilized code 20
Overhead Cost Allocation Staff specific costs (except food) – mileage, travel reimbursement, other A-87 and Indirect Overhead Contract Specific Costs 21
Overhead Cost Allocation, Cont. Administrative staff who direct charge portion of costs to MAA/TCM Coordination allocate between CP5 and CP6, not CP5 and CP3b Other? 22
Questions? 23