Unit 7 Day 3 (Human Impact) Quote: “Simply fire the women, who shouldn’t be working anyway, and hire the men. Presto! No unemployment. No relief rolls. No depression.” - Norman Cousins Focus Question(s): How do individuals, groups, and institutions deal with economic crises? Specified Content: hobos, women lose jobs, children/malnutrition, Bonus Army State Standards: Strand 1 Concept 8: PO 1 a, c
Human Impact People, known as hobos, would travel on freight trains in search of work. This was very dangerous and often times they would have to keep moving, unable to find work.
Many women are going to be forced out of their jobs. The women that are able to keep their jobs or find work will be paid even less than before.
About 20% of children will go hungry. Many will not have shoes or warm clothes for the winter.
June 1932: 15,000 to 20,000 WWI veterans march on Washington demanding the bonus they were due to receive in Many of them were jobless and needed the money now.
July 28, 1932: cavalry, infantry, tank troops, and a mounted machine gun squadron are sent by Congress to put down the protest for fear of riots. Three people died, two of which were babies, and 54 people were injured.