Predictions L.O. To understand and be able to explain the thoughts and feelings of key characters in the play. Starter: Match the word to its meaning. 1.Superstition 2.Powerful 3.Inherit A.When something is passed on after somebody dies. B.Beliefs in good and bad luck. C.When someone is able to control things around them.
Shakespeare’s England: What do you already know Write Round Robin Pupil A starts by writing one thing they know about what England was like in the 1500s. Pupil B writes something else, and so on. Use the pictures on the sheet to help you.
Shakespeare’s England: Unlike today, the king or queen held all the power. Power was passed from father to first son People believed that kings and queens were given the right to rule by God. HOWEVER, the king or queen had to watch out as there were lots of power hungry people out to take their crown.
Shakespeare’s England: People were very superstitious. They believed in witch craft and black magic. They could not explain things using science so they had to find other explanations.
Reading the scene: Macbeth and Banquo are on their way home after winning a battle. Macbeth is the Thane (Lord) of Glanis They meet 3 strange women who give them predictions of what will happen in the future.
As we read the scene, try to find the answers to these questions: 1.What new position(jobs) do the witches tell Macbeth he will have. 2.What will Banquo’s sons be? 3.How does Macbeth feel about the witch’s predictions?
If you can see the future, tell me what’s going to happen to me. Thought Tracking We don’t always say exactly what we are thinking and nor do characters in plays and films. Your task is to work as a table to choose something either Macbeth or Banquo say and decide what the character is thinking when they say it. Write your idea in the thought bubble. Create a freeze frame of the scene which shows what the character SAYS and what they are THINKING.
Freeze Frames
Turn to your English notebook. On your word list, write a different word that you think describe the character of Macbeth at the end of this scene.. To understand and be able to explain the thoughts and feelings of key characters in the play. Macbeth’s progress: 1.Traumatised 2.Brave
Writing Task In at least two paragraphs, write a response to the following question: How does Shakespeare present Macbeth in Act 1, Scene 3 upon meeting the witches and then after meeting the witches? Select lines from the scene to show how the language used by Shakespeare depicts (presents) Macbeth and explain how certain words position the audience to believe things about Macbeth.