Restoring Family Links : strengthening the response of the Movement January 2005 – December 2007 (Project 2.1)
Expert Conference on the Missing and their Families Geneva, 2003 preventing persons from becoming missing ascertaining the fate of missing persons managing information on missing persons managing human remains supporting families
Agenda for Humanitarian Action 28th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, 2003 General Objective 1 Respect and restore the dignity of persons missing as a result of armed conflict or other situations of armed violence and of their families General Objective 3 Minimise the impact of disasters through implementation of disaster risk reduction measures and improving preparedness and response mechanism
Resolutions of the Movement International Conferences of the Red Cross (1981, 1986, 1995, 1999, 2003) refugees, asylum seekers, family reunification, CTA and NS in tracing activities, disaster preparedness, protection of civilian population Council of Delegates of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (1995, 1999, 2001) RFL for unaccompanied minors, Refugees and IDPs Regional Conferences of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Berlin, Chile, Manilla etc.) migration, asylum seekers, family reunion, migration and disasters, population movement, disaster management
Family Links Network Conflict related tracing activities Natural disasters Asylum Seekers, Refugees, Migration Social / Welfare / Humanitarian
Project Objective To address the needs of those separated from, or without news of, their families, through: development of a global RFL Strategy for the Movement 10-year implementation (& monitoring) phase
Project Outcomes Needs of beneficiaries (both emerging and existing) are efficiently and effectively met by using modern and accessible methods Services can be accessed by all those who need them through an enhanced communication effort on the part of the network
Project outcomes A future common vision for the network is endorsed by all National Societies, the ICRC and the Federation. The leading role of the Movement in the field of Restoring Family Links and tracing is acknowledged and enhanced. The importance of Tracing Services is recognised by senior management and Governance of the National Societies.
Project outcomes Resources are allocated by the respective components of the Movement in accordance with the development needs of the network. There are demonstrable efforts to develop the network using the resources available to ICRC and National Societies.
Advisory Group Global Assessments Development and endorsement of the RFL Strategy for the Movement Implementation Process
Advisory Group (ICRC, National Societies, the Federation) NS Composition Africa: Burkina Faso, DRC, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Uganda Asia: Australia, India, Saudi Arabia, Thailand Americas:Argentina, Peru, USA Europe: Germany, The Netherlands, Norway Portugal, Serbia and Montenegro, Sweden, UK. Role Advise and contribute to development of the global RFL Strategy Build consensus and support and co-facilitate the Regional RFL Conferences
Advisory Group Working methods Meetings twice per year Geneva and Budapest (2005) defined key strategic directions for Network formed Working Groups to develop key components of RFL Strategy : RFL in Disasters RFL in Migration Communication and Fundraising for RFL RFL Needs Assessment Tool
Assessments (global, regional, thematic) Mapping of capacity of NS Tracing Services (commenced) Mapping of potential/existing RFL needs by country (June 2006) Review of ICRC capacity as coordinator and technical advisor (April 2006)
Implementation Schedule Draft RFL Strategy for the Movement (June 2006) 4 Regional RFL Conferences (Nov-Dec 2006) Buenos Aires, Bangkok, Kyiv, Nairobi. Endorsement of RFL strategy by Council of Delegates Submission to the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent 2007
Participation of National Societies Global mapping exercise Capacity Assessment Needs Assessment Regional RFL Conferences 2006 Promotion of the Project Supporting and endorsing the 10-year strategy
Participation of ICRC Delegations assessment process promotion of the project with NS (particularly Governance) promotion of the project within Delegations support to Advisory Group members and Conference participants consultation, debate on draft 10-year Strategy