You are “painting” with light
Need dark room or night time
Light Graffiti During the exposure you’ll want to ‘draw’ an image or word with a beam of light – Flashlight – glow stick – Bike light – Blinking LED – Torch – Sparkler – Try it…. Cover tip of light with colored cellophane candy wrapper for a variety of color options
Quick quiz… “S” =
Quick quiz… “S”= Shutter speed Think….eyelid Stops/blurs action
Quick quiz… “A” = aperture Think….pupil Controls how MUCH light enters camera
On your camera… Turn OFF flash ISO = around 100 “M” mode A= big # (8.0) S = you want a LONG exposure. 16” = 16 seconds.
How to… 1.Partner/groups 2.Set camera settings 3.Tripod or table 4.Press shutter button 5.Get in front of the lens and start “drawing” 6.To finish…hold the light steady and turn it off or hide the light 7.Check results, tweak the shutter speed as required. Note…. move quickly or you’ll be captured within the scene.