Electromagnetic wave (light) - a wave that consists of electric and magnetic fields. These waves are produced when a charged particle oscillates Unlike sound waves, all EM waves can travel through a vacuum, and travel at the speed of light (300,000,000 m/s). EM waves are transverse waves.
Electromagnetic Spectrum - an arrangement of EM waves in order of wavelength and frequency. Lowest Frequency = Lowest Energy: 1. Radio waves - most commonly used to transmit information (long wavelengths).
2. Microwaves - first used for communication, now commonly used for heating food by causing water molecules to spin.
3. Infrared Rays - these rays cannot be seen; they are felt as heat.
4. Visible light - only portion visible to human eye. ROY G BIV Put all 7 colors together to get “white” light
5. Ultraviolet (UV) rays - can harm living cells causing cancer, cataracts and sunburn; absorbed by the ozone layer. 6. X - rays - absorbed by denser material (bone); excessive exposure is harmful.
7. Gamma rays - these are the highest energy waves; they are emitted by radioactive materials and nuclear reactions
Object moving TOWARDS you, wavelength is SHORTER, and shifted towards (appears) BLUE Object moving AWAY from you, wavelength is LONGER, and shifted towards (appears) RED
Example: ◦ On Jan 1, 2007, star A is observed with a wavelength of 535 nm ◦ On Jan 1, 2008, star A is observed with a wavelength of 545 nm 545nm – 535 nm = 10 nm shift Since the wavelength is increasing, the star must be moving AWAY from Earth
Example: ◦ On Jan 1, 2007, star B is observed with a wavelength of 544 nm ◦ On Jan 1, 2008, star B is observed with a wavelength of 560 nm 556 nm – 544 nm = 16 nm shift Since the wavelength is increasing, the star must be moving AWAY from Earth Star B is moving faster
Galaxies are moving away from us. So, at some point in the past they must have been closer to us. 14 billion years ago all of the galaxies in the universe occupied the same space, then the universe expanded rapidly. BIG BANG THEORY
Polarized light – light traveling in a single plane (all in one direction). Ordinary light is mixture of light traveling in all directions. Polarization proves to us that light is a transverse wave.
Polarizing filter- material that allows light of only one direction to pass through. Light can be polarized by: 1. Reflecting off a smooth (nonmetallic) surface- Glare 2. Going through a polarizing filter (sunglasses) 3. Traveling through a crystal
Applications: Sunglasses: Glare reflecting off the road/water is polarized horizontally. Sunglass lenses are polarizing filters that are vertical to block the glare.
LCD displays: Have two polarizing filters and glass plates with a liquid crystal in between. The liquid crystal will twist the light to allow dark and light places on a digital display.