China Review
Zhou (Chou) Dynasty Feudal society- emperor gave out fiefs Shang thought they had a divine right- Chou rulers had responsibility Zhou did take title “Son of Heaven” Mandate of Heaven
The Dynastic Cycle A new dynasty comes to power. Lives of common people improved; taxes reduced; farming encouraged. Problems begin (extensive wars, invasions, etc.) Taxes increase; men forced to work for army. Farming neglected. Govt. increases spending; corruption. Droughts, floods, famines occur. Poor lose respect for govt. They join rebels & attack landlords. Rebel bands find strong leader who unites them. Attack the emperor. Emperor is defeated !! The emperor reforms the govt. & makes it more efficient. Start here
Ancient Philosophies About 500BCE, Confucius (Kung Fu Tse), and Taoism - Lao Tze Called a flowering period India more concerned with cosmos and soul China more concerned with ethical life on earth
Confucius Never kiss a fool, or be fooled by a kiss.
Confucianism “The gentleman agrees with others without being an echo. The small man echoes without being in agreement.” Analects “If one is guided by profits in one’s actions, one will incur much ill will.” Analects “Do not worry because you have no position. Worry about your qualifications. Do not worry because no one appreciates your abilities. Seek to be worthy of appreciation. Analects 4.14
Five relationships father-child ruler-subject husband-wife elder brother-younger brother friend-friend
Ancestor Worship (devotion to & reverence for parents & family) The institution of the family is the foundation of a well-ordered & civilized society (grounded mainly on respect of children for parents) Respect for age (experience & wisdom)
Schools of Thought Legalists : Stern rule of law and harsh punishments Taoist: cared little about societal improvement and believed that the path to human happiness lay in the individualistic pursuit of harmony with nature.
Daoism (Taoism) LaoTzu (Lao Zi) contemporary of Confucius Tao= the road way Absolute=sum of existence Goal to bring people into harmony very introspective not as influential as Confucius
Traits of Yin and Yang Yin Negative Passive Feminine Earthly Yang Positive Active Masculine Heavenly
Yin and Yang
Qin (Ch’in) Dynasty BCE dominated by “The First Emperor” Qin Shi Huangdi (Chin Shi Huang Ti) ambitious= understatement Unified China constructed roads and canals Language, money, Weights and measures The Great Wall- sacrifice AND An amazing tomb found in 20th Cen
Han Dynasty 202BCE-220 CE(Roman Times) combination of Confucius and legalism Persecuted the Hmong Silk Road contact with Rome
The Mongols Nomadic peoples Loosely organized clans in a state of stress (Xianghu) mastered military tactics on horseback- pursue and ambush, firelance, took China Yuan dynasty at Peking- adopted Chinese ways- Kublai Kahn- lasted 100 years- gave way to Ming dynasty
Communist China Can you name the governemnt? Positives and Negatives?