World History/Cultures Chapter 16- The Age of Imperialism Section 3- Division of Asia
Warm up Answer these 5 questions from yesterday: (can answer in notes) 1. Name the Belgium Man who took brutal control of the Congo: 2. Name 2 Wars Brits fought and won in South Africa?: 3. Name African ruler who resisted Europeans: 4. Who built the Suez Canal in Egypt? Who got it? Why was it important? 5. Name 2 nations that kept their inpendence in Africa And VLA review of a topic from yesterday…..
Key Terms Sepoys: Indian soldiers who fought for the British in the 1800s Viceroy: British official who ruled in India for the British monarch Spheres of influence: areas where nations had exclusive trading rights Culture System: method of forced labor used by the Dutch to force natives into gathering raw materials Westernization: The spread of European Civilization and IDEAS
British in India Brits go into India in 1500s by sea. By 1600s they form a trading company in India called East India Company Has its own army, and merchant ships British defeat French East India Co. army in 1757, Brits now take full control of India trade in South Sepoys in India rebel against Brits in 1857…(rumor of unholy bullets!) Sepoys massacre thousands of Brit men women/children rebellion is put down by British Army Brits send a Viceroy in 1858 to rule British occupied Southern India
Sepoy Rebellion
China faces the West At 1 st, China limits trade with west from 1500 to 1800s…BUT…Qing Dynasty has weak rule This allows Spheres of influence of many European nations to form trade centers along its east Coast. Chinese goods superior to Western trade goods West needs a product Chinese would actually want 1830s-40s: Brits give out free samples of Indian grown Opium and get large numbers of Chinese hooked. Chinese begin big trade with Brits…opium for teas, silks and porcelain goods… Qing Govt. gets mad at Brit Opium trade and starts a War against Brits in 1842 (Opium War)
Opium War
China Cont. Brits steamship gun boats easily beat Chinese junk navy Force UNEQUAL treaties on them. Brits get Hong Kong for 99 years as their trade port prize! US gets into Chinese trade in late 1890s through its Demand of Open Door Policy 1900: Chinese Response to western trade and customs interfering with their culture by Staging a huge popular uprising: called BOXER REBELLION after martial arts styles of fighting used… Thousands of Euro merchants and missionaries killed Rebellion is crushed by combined Euro-American /Japanese ArmY! 1911: China revolts against weak Qing Dynasty: 1 st Republic
Chinese Boxers Bullet proof through Kung Fu?
Boxer Rebellion
Modernization of Japan Japan stayed isolationist from West until 1853 American warships under Matthew Perry steam into Japan’s Edo harbor demand trade at gunpoint Japanese sign treaties with USA, Brits, France Holland and Russia (unequal treaties again) Meiji (“Enlightened”) rulers lead Japan modernize nation/industrialize it (so they can’t be pushed around again.) 1904: Russo-Japanese War: Japan fights and wins War of modern ships and weapons against Russia (over control of Korea) foreshadows future battles!
Perry in Japan
South East Asia Made of 2 parts: Islands Southeast Asia and mainland South East Asia Mainland portion: Vietnam, Malaya Burma, Laos, Cambodia Vietnam ruled by French to get rice/rubber/ Burma, Malaya ruled by British (both used military …) Philippine Islands ruled by Spain to get croplands/ brutal military control. Dutch ruled island of Indonesia to Get Spices!!! Dutch used Culture System (forced labor system used to get raw materials from natives)… also discouraged Westernization so natives had no clue how bad they were being exploited!
Web or list out 4 plus details from each video…. Be ready to phrase them as questions!!! Opium: Boxers: Sepoys: U U
Wrap up Review List 10 things from the Chap 16 notes you learned and that you PREDICT could be a on an Assessment. THEN write down a clever tricky RIDDLE/question about each topic. (with answer) Be prepared to share! My example: “This shiny little guy from Africa is not quite golden but definitely carries a charge!”