Big Things Come in Small Packages Annotation
Bell-Ringer Copy the sentences below underlining the complete subject once and the complete predicate twice. 1. The stern judge ruled that the defendant was not guilty. 2. His broken leg will heal in three months.
Standards and EQ Standards: 7-RL.1 - Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 7-RL.3 - Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). EQ: How do we annotate text to analyze how the rising action and climax interact with each other?
Review Annotating helps us ZOOM IN and take a CLOSER look at the text in order to analyze it. What we’ve annotated so far: Setting Characters Plot/Problem
Today We will ZOOM IN and ANNOTATE: Rising Action Climax
CFU What is rising action? How do we know when we’ve found it? What is climax?
I do Follow along with me as I begin to read on line 134. I will model how to find and annotate rising action Read out loud to the students and STOP at line 140-142 and explain how this is rising action. Because a storm is coming in, suspense is being built for the reader Have students write in the margin “A storm is coming in” next to lines 140-142. Annotate this using the ONLINE STUDENT BOOK on your Promethean Board.
We do Let’s read lines 142-155 and see if we can find another rising action. Remember, find a part in the text that builds interest and suspense for the reader. Lines 149-151: The possibility that Tucker may have drowned builds suspense Lines 154-155: The fact that someone’s life is in dangers helps build suspense HIGHLIGHT these lines in the ONLINE STUDENT BOOK. Have students write the rising action in the margin in their own words. (look at the teacher book for examples)
You do With one other person at your group, read lines 156-162. Find another point of rising action UNDERLINE IT IN THE TEXT WRITE IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS IN THE MARGIN Lines 161-162: the man lunged at the surfboard, knocking Tucker off In the margin: Now Tucker is in danger.
Climax When we are finding climax in a story, we are looking for the TURNING POINT or when the CONFLICT BEGINS TO BE RESOLVED. Example: In Rogue Wave, the climax is when Sully finally finds her way out through the skylight.
With a partner… Read lines 163-190 and find the climax. Annotate by circling the climax in the text. Talk with your partner about WHY this is the CLIMAX of the story.
Closure How are the rising action and climax related and how do they interact with one another? Have students complete this by doing an EXIT SLIP or TICKET OUT THE DOOR