University Web Revolution Fiscal Year 2016 Staff Advisory Council Forum University of West Georgia November 19, 2015
Go Bold. Advance and Revolutionize University of West Georgia 2
Web Backstory. Fall 2014 Web Advisory Committee Blake Adams, Jami Bower, Denny Chasteen, John Head, Kevin Hemphill, Kathy Kral, Julie Lineback, April Saunders, Craig Schroer Committee Charge Develop an overarching web strategy, blueprint, and action plan tied to institutional imperatives and steeped in research for evolving and elevating the UWG (.edu) site Transform and simplify the UWG end-user experience and enhance our reputation Winter-Summer 2015 Conducted research and development, improvement initiatives for feedback, metrics for measurement, and review/assessment Conducted site testing with key constituencies during development phases Performed CMS analyses, internal assessment, and development/support agreements Created and completed an RFP process for awarding external web development partners Fall 2015 Created wireframes/concepts for developing a final site design University of West Georgia 3
Objectives. Enhance the visual identity and appearance New theme, fonts, colors, and other graphical branding elements Improve the layout, navigation and overall functionality of the site Establish and maintain consistency (theme, layout, navigation and content standards) Implement a new CMS that’s easy to use, to update and that’s compliant (ADA) Update and migrate current content to the new CMS Improve accuracy, currency, and consistency of information Improve timeliness of information for and about our degrees, programs, courses, faculty, staff, students, admissions, events, schedules, deadlines, etc. Improve our presence in ranking in organic web searches Improve our integration and presence across all social media platforms Incorporate mobile responsive design Implement mandatory visual and web usage guidelines Realign staff and resources Identify certified content owners/editors and provide ongoing training and support University of West Georgia 4
Timeline. Complete Site Design: February 2016 Implement Design: April 2016 Migrate Content: May August 2016 First 40 Sites Migrated = 90% of Web Traffic University of West Georgia 5
Migration Plan. University of West Georgia 6 Phase 1 UWG main business, nursing, education, coss, cosm, coah, honors admissions, careerservices, counseling, csi, financialaid, health, housing, orientation, registrar, urec ecore, newnan, uwgonline advancedacad, advising, gradstudies library, coliseum, ucm, alumni, its aux, bursar, hrpay, parking, police, wolvescard president, engagewest A new way to discover west. University of West Georgia 7