S. Schenk, C. Saathoff, A. Baumesberger, F. Jochum, A. Kleinen, S. Staab, and A. Scherp Information Systems & Semantic Web University of Koblenz, Germany Interactive Semantic Exploration of Data and Media based on a Federated Cloud Infrastructure
ISWeb - Information Systems & Semantic Web Swoogle RDFS rules geo... Building a large RDF repository Common approach: Import dump to new data silo Semantic Web? Geo querying GeoNames WordNet GeoNames flexible scaleable webby extensible RDFSRules inflexible monolithic not scaleable PlaceOfBirth birthplace WordNet Swoogle fulltext 12 months in 2005/06 700M triples >1Gt
ISWeb - Information Systems & Semantic Web Demo Video (live captured in real-time) To keep me from talking about cool features for 30 minutes meet me to see the real thing
ISWeb - Information Systems & Semantic Web Architecture of Federated Infrastructure Semantic Annotation Tool KAT Extended by generic and application-specific plugins Providing SemaPlorer‘s UI Plugin: Download image content from flickr Plugin: Map component using OpenStreetMap
ISWeb - Information Systems & Semantic Web Architecture of Federated Infrastructure Views: ?person birthplace ?city => ?person birthplace ?city UNION ?person placeOfBirth ?city Query Splitting: ?geoSight ?geo:lat ?lat; geo:long ?long. ?geoSight owl:sameAs ?dbpSight. skos:broader ?dbpSight. => 1) ?geoSight ?geo:lat ?lat; geo:long ?long. ?geoSight owl:sameAs ?dbpSight. DISTRIBUTED JOIN 2) skos:broader ?dbpSight. Locating endpoints: graphname endpoint
ISWeb - Information Systems & Semantic Web Architecture of Federated Infrastructure Endpoints: Autonomous RDF repositories Connected via SPARQL Dynamic (added by reconfiguring SourceFinder) 25 repositories, > 400GB including fulltext indices Inferencing and Querying: Can vary from repository to repository Here: SPARQL based Views RDFS transitivity rules for SKOS Geo range queries in SPARQL fulltext search in SPARQL via Lucene
ISWeb - Information Systems & Semantic Web Architecture of Federated Infrastructure Control EC2 Instances: Transparent Reconfiguration: Administration Component updates Source Finder Configuration, no need for the application to know. Repositories: 10 running at Koblenz University, Germany 15 running at Amazon EC2, USA
ISWeb - Information Systems & Semantic Web Conclusion We have presented a Scaleable Flexible Federated Semantic Web infrastructure using RDFS Rules Views Geoqueries Fulltext Search Based on Cloud Computing and NetworkedGraphs
ISWeb - Information Systems & Semantic Web Swoogle RDFS rules geo... Building a large RDF repository Common approach: Import dump to new data silo Semantic Web? federator GeoNames WordNet GeoNames flexible scaleable webby extensible RDFSRules inflexible monolithic not scaleable PlaceOfBirth birthplace WordNet Swoogle fulltext 12 months in 2005/06 700M triples >1Gt