Persuasive Essay Written to “convince” or persuade
This essay will: State your opinion Give convincing reasons to support your opinion Address and counter the concerns of those who would argue against your position
Support your reasons with specific details Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
Introduction Paragraph Contains a topic sentence with an occasion/position statement Clearly identifies the issue and writer’s position
And…. Briefly mentions the RDF’s (reasons, details, facts) to be discussed in the body paragraphs
Body Paragraphs You will write three (3) body paragraphs discussing the reasons that support your opinion (in detail) Provide examples to support your reasons
Each body paragraph will contain a transition topic sentence In one of the body paragraphs you must address the counterargument, giving reasons why your position is stronger
Qualifiers Words that make your opinion more flexible and easier to support Examples: almost, usually, maybe, probable,often, most, some, in most cases
Conclusion Paragraph Restate (not copy) the topic sentence (from introduction paragraph) Briefly summarize your argument and make a call for action (if appropriate)