Argument Essay w/ The Crucible GLOBAL COMMENTARY
Essay Titles The Crucible vs. Argument Essay vs. The Crucible Argument Essay Versus Some Principles are Worth Dying For
This is YOUR Argument I do not want a full literary analysis. The examples from the play are required to support YOUR argument about whether or not a principle/or principal??? Is worth dying for.
MLA Quote Format “blah blah blah”. Vs. “blah blah blah.” “blah blah blah (Miller 26).” Vs. “blah blah blah” (Miller 26). Introducing Quoted Material If a quote has been formally introduced or is an independent clause that does not flow into the quote or the quote is a defining or summarizing statement then/or than?? Use a colon. i.e. Proctor is portrayed as a strong, even-tempered and well-respected member of the Salem community: “In Proctor’s presence a fool felt his foolishness” (Miller 19). Better yet- Proctor is portrayed as a strong, even-tempered and well-respected member of the Salem community in whose “presence a fool felt his foolishness” (Miller 19). If a quote is introduced by a common expression such as said, says, stated, etc., then use a comma. This also requires a capital. Try to blend your commentary and quotes together then no pause (or punctuation indicating a pause) is needed and it will flow better. Also, when blended, the capital is not needed.
Paper Format Headers? ½ inch? 1 inch? Let’s look at how to set up an essay in MLA format