Diabetes Prevention
29 million Americans have diabetes (9.3% of population) 2 million new cases each year 79 million Americans have pre diabetes
Projection As many as 1 in 3 American adults will have diabetes by 2050 & 40% of Americans are expected to develop diabetes in their lifetime
Risk Factors Overweight/obesity Family history African American, Hispanic HTN Low HDL cholesterol Virus
Pre Diabetes Precedes to Type 2 diabetes Blood sugar readings are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered full blown diabetic Few signs/symptoms Reversible with lifestyle change
Type 1 Diabetes Autoimmune disorder leading to beta cell destruction and absolute insulin deficiency Onset is normally around puberty but can happen earlier or later in life Used to be called juvenile onset
Type 2 Diabetes Most common form Due to a progressive insulin defect on insulin resistance Lifestyle has impact Used to be called adult onset or NIDDM
Eating, Stress, illness RAISE glucose levels Insulin and exercise lower glucose levels
Walking 150 mins a week can help lower A1C and glucose levels by 30mg. (30mins 5 times a week) For every year you have T2 diabetes you lose 2% of your beta cells
Hemoglobin A1C 3 month average blood sugar Normal 4% to 5.6% Pre Diabetes 5.7% to 6.4% Diabetic 6.5% and higher