Visual Reflection View and Respond... Diploma preparation
Instructions: Objective: to silently view the images and try to see the story within. 1. View the image without saying anything. Don’t speak at all. There will be a time to discuss what you see after each image. 2. On a sheet of looseleaf, in your duotang, answer the question located at the bottom of the image with as much detail as possible. Each response should be at least 2-3 sentences.
Visual Essay Prep Assignment O Choose one of the “hugging” images you have just viewed. O REQUIREMENTS: On a line sheet of loose-leaf, write a 5-6 sentence paragraph describing what you see, what you think/feel and how the image relates to you personally. O Formative Evaluation: The paragraph will be handed in for feedback. It is a building assignment to help prepare for you upcoming visual reflection essay. O Make sure to include: O Content that follows the above requirements. O Thought and Detail as you express your opinion O Conventions (Punctuation and strong Sentence structure)