The Rise of Realism Unit Test (open-note) This Wed.
Test Topics and Literature Introduction to the Rise of Realism (you outlined this section on pg ). I also gave you a PowerPoint set of notes on this section, as an overview. You may use both the outline and those notes. Literature: “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” on pg “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” on pg “The Lowest Animal” on pg “To Build a Fire” on pg You may use any questions, assignments, or notes you have on any of the above stories.
To help review for your test… Do the following questions over the introduction to this unit in your workbook: Pg. 153 – Last two questions in the column on the right (Identify Cause & Effect and Compare & Contrast) Pg. 154 – Do all questions Pg. 155 – Last question only (Word Study) Pg. 156 – Do the one question listed (Clarify) Pg. 157 – Do all questions Pg. 158 – None Pg. 159 – Do the one question listed (Draw Conclusions) Pg. 160 – Do all questions Pg. 161 – Do all questions You do not have to number these questions – Organize your paper by pg. # instead, please! Remember, do not write in your workbook. If it tells you to circle or underline, just copy that information onto your sheet of paper for that page.