Jeopardy VocabularyCausesRealismRegionalismNaturalism Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1 Define: Third Person Limited Point of View
$100 Answer from H1 A point of view that requires the narrator to be outside the story and reveal the thoughts, feelings, and observations of only one character
$200 Question from H1 Define: Third Person Omniscient Point of View
$200 Answer from H1 A point of view where the narrator is omniscient or all- knowing, outside of the story and knows everything About all of the characters and events in the story
$300 Question from H1 Define: Dialect
$300 Answer from H1 A variation of a language spoken by a particular Group, often within a specific region and time. May differ in pronunciation, grammatical form and Vocabulary.
$400 Question from H1 Define: Hypocrisy
$400 Answer from H1 The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
$500 Question from H1 Explain: Narrative
$500 Answer from H1 A narrated account; a story. Most often told from the first person point of view
$100 Question from H2 The war between the states that led to brutal blood shed and a new outlook on the American way of life.
$100 Answer from H2 Civil War
$200 Question from H2 A period of financial struggle other wise known as Wide spread _________ ___________ that forced people to live within their means.
$200 Answer from H2 Economic Hardship
$300 Question from H2 People’s unhappiness with the previous literary period and its depiction of life.
$300 Answer from H2 Frustration with the Romantics
$400 Question from H2 In response to their upset with the previous literary period, Writers strived to depict the:
$400 Answer from H2 Real life/ struggles
$500 Question from H2 The reason that people chose to create Realistic fiction to explain:
$500 Answer from H2 WHY people do what they do! What makes us tick and what motivates us into action.
$100 Question from H3 The definition of Realism
$100 Answer from H3 The depiction of life as most people live and know it; portrays ordinary life precisely
$200 Question from H3 Time period:
$200 Answer from H3 1860’s
$300 Question from H3 The attempt in literature and art to represent life as it really is, without ___________or ___________it. Realistic writing often depicts the everyday _________ of ordinary people
$300 Answer from H3 Sentimentalizing/ Idealizing/ Life
$400 Question from H3 “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” depicts both third person limited and third person omniscient points of view. Explain why the author makes this stylistic decision?
$400 Answer from H3 Ambrose Bierce chooses both the third person limited And third person omniscient point of view in order to give the Reader a complete picture of the story. Limited gives us the ability To understand the thoughts and feelings of our main character Throughout his traumatic event. Omniscient allows us to understand the actions of the soldiers that lead to the man’s untimely demise.
$500 Question from H3 Why is Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave considered a narrative? Which literary elements point you towards that decision?
$500 Answer from H3 First or third person point of view, characterization (direct And indirect), conflict.
$100 Question from H4 Regionalist writers paid close attention To:
$100 Answer from H4 Dialect, customs and characters types (example: Simon Wheeler in Jumping Frog)
$200 Question from H4 In “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” Which aspects of the story connect It to Regionalism?
$200 Answer from H4 Dialect, comedy, grammatical error, character types
$300 Question from H4 Nostalgia: pleasure and sadness that is caused by remembering something from the past and wishing that you could experience it again. How does nostalgia play a role in Regionalism? Specifically in “Jumping Frog?”
$300 Answer from H4 Simon Wheeler tells the story of Jim Smiley in a nostalgic way, and hopes to inspire a nostalgic sense in our narrator creating a familiar and homey feeling.
$400 Question from H4 Vernacular Style:
$400 Answer from H4 based on the patterns and rhythms of language as Americans actually spoke it
$500 Question from H4 How does the dialect in Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn contribute to the story’s impact?
$500 Answer from H4 Powerlessness of the narrator, strength of The Colonel, mob mentality, dichotomy between the North and the South
$100 Question from H5 Naturalist writers depicted :
$100 Answer from H5 The true power of nature and Its influence on man
$200 Question from H5 Most naturalist writers depicted nature as a _________ force.
$200 Answer from H5 Unstoppable
$300 Question from H5 Explain why “To Build a Fire” was told From the third person omniscient point of view?
$300 Answer from H5 To give the reader a well rounded view of man’s Conflict within himself, his interaction with nature and his tumultuous relationship with the dog.
$400 Question from H5 How did Naturalism connect to the concept of Realism ?
$400 Answer from H5 Writers felt the need to depict not only Human nature, but the realities of the natural world as it related to humans.
$500 Question from H5 Name a contemporary book or movie that would fall into the category of Naturalism.
$500 Answer from H5 ??????
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