Regional Services Plan 2011/12 Update 2 nd November 2011
2011/12 RSP Priorities The RSP priorities for action have been developed into individual action plans in the RSP document. Health Targets 1.Cancer - Reduce morbidity and mortality from cancer among the population of the Central Region through more effective service delivery, including exploring the development of an integrated cancer service. Lead CEO – Murray Georgel, MidCentral DHB 2.Elective services - Deliver the required levels of service to the population, reduce waiting times, and enable better patient outcomes through the development of a Central Region system for managing referrals, waiting lists and elective services booking. Lead CEO: Kevin Snee, Hawke’s Bay DHB
Strengthening vulnerable services 3.Older adults and rehabilitation - Support older adults to live independently in their community by developing a model of care to promote and maintain healthy ageing, effectively manage chronic conditions, and reduce reliance on hospital based services. Lead CEO: Julie Patterson, Whanganui DHB 4.Radiology Services – Develop a sustainable regional radiology service that is patient focussed, high quality, timely and affordable. Lead CEO: Graham Dyer, Hutt Valley DHB
Key regional enablers 5.Strengthening Clinical Leadership and Clinical Governance – To strengthen clinical governance systems, improve clinical quality and enhance patient safety across the region, including primary care, through the establishment of a Regional Clinical Board. Lead CEO: Mary Bonner Capital and Coast DHB 6.Central Region Information Systems Plan (CRISP) - Deliver the vision of One Portal, One Password, One Patient Record through a Regional Information Systems platform that will support clinical and administrative needs of health sector providers in the region. Lead CEO: Tracey Adamson, Wairarapa DHB
Key regional enablers (2) 7.Capital and Asset Management - Develop a more coordinated and affordable approach to capital asset management across the region through the establishment of a regional capital committee. Lead CEO: Graham Dyer, Hutt Valley DHB 8.Shared Support Services - Increase regional collaboration in non – clinical services specifically internal audit and laundry services, as well as the national work underway with Health Benefits Limited. Lead CEO Graham Dyer, Hutt Valley DHB 9.Transport and Accommodation - A coordinated regional system of transport and accommodation to support and move consumers, whānau and staff around the region in response to their needs. Lead CEO: Tracey Adamson, Wairarapa DHB
Sub – regional actions 10.The Central Alliance – Whanganui and MidCentral DHBs to develop collaborative arrangements for agreed clinical and non- clinical support services between the two DHBs that will improve, promote and protect the health of DHB populations, and promote inclusion and participation in society. 11.Capital & Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa DHBs - To deliver sub- regional integration of services where there are real gains to be achieved in access to and delivery of care for consumers, and demonstrate value for money.
RSP 2011/ st Quarterly Report The regional status overall is positive with 73% of RSP plans highlighted green indicating we are on track to achieve the majority of deliverables outlined in the RSP within the anticipated timeframes. The remaining 27% plans have amber status which indicates minor issues affecting deliverables or timeframes. These plans were; Regional Cancer Service Regional Radiology Services MidCentral and Whanganui DHBs - The Central Alliance
Planning Planning has begun for the development of the 2012/13 Regional Services Plan (RSP) for our region. We are working towards completing the 2012/13 RSP by March The first steps of the planning process was to review lessons learn from the development of the 2011/12 RSP and feedback received from the NHB). With the above in mind the following groups have been established to help with the production of this years RSP: Editorial Group Regional Health Needs Assessment Regional PHO Form RSP Planning Group
Regional vision 2012/13 One Region, One Population, One Plan “There will be a regionally co-ordinated system of health service planning and delivery that will lead to ongoing improvements in the sustainability, quality and accessibility of clinical services”.
Direction Planning should occur at a national, regional, or district level depending on the size of population best able to ensure clinical and financial sustainability of a safe quality public health system Need to take into account: -Effective service integration across all providers, especially community, primary and secondary -Best use of workforce and capital, planning and funding capability to minimise admin and contract overhead -Minimise risk and disruption and provide for longer term service continuity -Be responsive to distinctive local needs
Now Future A new service model is required
Roadmap for change
NHB Identified Key Outcomes for RSPs Outcomes apply at national, regional and district levels, these are, as follows: Long term planning to become a core function of the system Nationwide planning network to build service and capacity planning capability A planning cascade: national direction setting (long term) informs regional planning ( medium term), which informs district planning (short term) Clinical networks to inform service planning and funding at district, regional and national levels
NHB Identified Key Outcomes for RSPs (cont’d) The region as the key strategic planning level for the sector Initial national and regional focus on vulnerable services, and services requiring significant capital and workforce investment.
Priority areas Current RSP priorities: Health Targets - Cancer, Elective Strengthening Vulnerable Services - Older Adults and Rehabilitation, Radiology Services Key Regional Enablers - Strengthening Clinical Leadership and Clinical Governance, CRISP, Capital and Asset Management, Shared Support Services, Transport and Accommodation Sub-Regional - The Central Alliance, Capital & Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa DHBs
NHB Guidelines: Cancer Services Health of Older People Mental Health Improved Access to Services Cardiac Services Elective Services Key enablers and priorities National Health IT Plan implementation Capital Investment Priority areas (cont’d)
Gaps Primary care – Better Sooner More Convenient Population health Mental health Maori health plan linkages Pacific peoples Consumers
Priority Areas 2012/13 The region’s Boards and CEs will meet shortly to finalise the strategic focus and the specific priority areas, these priorities are likely to include; Cardiology, Mental Health, Radiology, Older Adults Cancer Services. –Primary Care / Better, Sooner, More Convenient
Priority Areas Plan 2012/13 The 2011/12 Regional Services Plan (RSP) included 11 ‘implementation plans’ for the priority areas identified. These were structured to include Actions, Measures, Timeframes, Leads, and Outputs for each plan. Difficulties with this approach included varied interpretation of these terms, and a lack of clear definition in the way the region articulated what it was going to do and how achievements could be measured. This was indicated in feedback from the NHB. For the 2012/13 RSP, it has been propose to utilise the State Services Commission’s (SSC) performance measurement framework which sets out a clear approach to articulating planning and delivery in relation to performance monitoring.
Priority Areas Plan 2012/13 This approach allows for easier reporting and performance measurement throughout the region, and increases clarity and structure of plans for the priority