LOCAL SECURITY CONTRACT PARTICIPANTS: Local authorities and administration Local authorities and administration Local Police Structures Local Police Structures Local structures of central authorities Local structures of central authorities NGOs NGOs Business Business Media Media SUBJECT MATTER: SUBJECT MATTER: Unification and co-ordination of efforts for improvement of security and public order in the local community Unification and co-ordination of efforts for improvement of security and public order in the local community
COMMISSIONS FOR PUBLIC ORDER AND SECURITY PARTICIPANTS Representatives of the local authorities Representatives of the local authorities Judiciary Judiciary Police Police Educational, cultural and social institutions Educational, cultural and social institutions NGOs NGOs Media Media Business Business Experts, consultants, public leaders Experts, consultants, public leaders Civil committees and various social groups Civil committees and various social groups
COMMISSIONS FOR PUBLIC ORDER AND SECURITY PRINCIPLES: PRINCIPLES: Priority – provision of security to the local community Priority – provision of security to the local community Pragmatism – focus on achievable goals Pragmatism – focus on achievable goals Partnership and co-ordination between the interested parties Partnership and co-ordination between the interested parties Local focus – effective solutions to local problems Local focus – effective solutions to local problems
ACTIVITIES PLANNING IN CORS Socio-economic profile of the community Socio-economic profile of the community Criminological analysis Criminological analysis - Typical crimes -Dynamics, trend, concentration and local specifics of crimes and disorders of crimes and disorders - Tendencies Major priorities and local needs of improvement of public order and security Major priorities and local needs of improvement of public order and security
ACTIVITIES PLANNING IN CORS ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES: Research of local needs of security Research of local needs of security Rating of efficiency of policing Rating of efficiency of policing Development and funding of projects for improvement of public order and security Development and funding of projects for improvement of public order and security Coordination of partners’ efforts Coordination of partners’ efforts Control and overall assessment Control and overall assessment
RESEARCH OF PUBLIC NEEDS OF SECURITY REGULAR STUDIES ON: public needs of law and order public needs of law and order public satisfaction from policing public satisfaction from policing METHODS: receptions and meetings of citizens; receptions and meetings of citizens; surveys surveys hot telephone lines hot telephone lines public hearings public hearings sociological research sociological research independent civil control independent civil control
PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION Problem description Problem description Problem localization Problem localization Sources of information for the problem: Sources of information for the problem: Complains, petitions Complains, petitions Calls for service Calls for service Public perceptions research Public perceptions research Other institutions Other institutions Police stats Police stats Public hearings Public hearings Media publications Media publications
TARGET GROUPS IDENTIFICATIONS (INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES) (INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES) Interested, involved institutions Interested, involved institutions General profile of affected (victimized citizens) General profile of affected (victimized citizens) General profile of perpetrators General profile of perpetrators
ANALYSIS ANALYSIS Information on the problem genesis and development Information on the problem genesis and development Causes and prerequisites of the problems Causes and prerequisites of the problems Implications regarding the victims, perpetrators and crime Implications regarding the victims, perpetrators and crime scenes scenes Role of the interested and affected parties for worsening, limiting Role of the interested and affected parties for worsening, limiting or solving the problem or solving the problem Readiness for assistance for solving the problem Readiness for assistance for solving the problem Undertaken activities for solving the problem Undertaken activities for solving the problem Successful programs and projects for prevention of the problem, Successful programs and projects for prevention of the problem, assessment of their applicability assessment of their applicability
POTENTIAL PARTNERS POTENTIAL PARTNERS 1.People, groups, organizations and institutions, who might assist and participate in the problem solving. 2. Affected and interested parties. These could be: These could be: -reps of the self-governance as the mayor, municipal council; -reps of educations, culture, and social institutions or NGOs; -media, business, civil committees and various social groups.
SOLVING THE PROBLEM Goal formulation Goal formulation Elaboration of alternative options Elaboration of alternative options Assessment of alternatives Assessment of alternatives Decision making Decision making Choice of approach and activities Choice of approach and activities Project time frame (inception, duration) Project time frame (inception, duration)
SOLVING THE PROBLEM List of responsibilities of partners List of responsibilities of partners –task –deadline –responsible person Dedicated resources: Dedicated resources: –human resources –technical resources –financial resources
CONTROL AND ASSESSMENT Short term assessment period Short term assessment period Middle term assessment period Middle term assessment period End of project and final assessment End of project and final assessment Process and methods for control and assessment Process and methods for control and assessment Performance indicators Performance indicators Limitations and risks Limitations and risks
PROJECT ASSESSMENT Degree of problem solving Degree of problem solving - solved - limited - unsolved - eliminated Appraisal of project process Appraisal of project process - on time - aligned to community needs - flexibility - value for money Feedback from the communities (reactions of the target groups) Feedback from the communities (reactions of the target groups)
PROJECT SUMMARY /concluding comments on the results/: POSITIVE EFFECT: –Achieved change –Measurable results –Sustainability of results –Multiplication effect –Social effect –Knowledge output (know-how) NEGATIVE EFFECT: - Missed deadlines -Missed tasks -Unachieved tasks