Crime in Ukraine Top 10 regions
Crimea is considered to be the worst criminal region in Ukraine. Over the past year there were registered 19 crimes per thousand citizens. Industrial regions, such as Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Lugansk are the next after the peninsula. The main reason for this is population density, the influx of guest workers and visitors. In Crimea crimes occur most frequently on the roads (389 cases per 1 million people). Traffic on the peninsula is complicated by steep turns, poor condition of roads and the influx of tourists. Often there are road accident fatalities, and their perpetrators are hiding from justice.
Volyn human trafficking In Volyn more than in other regions, human trafficking is widespread (16 cases per 1 million people). The reasons are: problems with employment and proximity to the border. Lots of people, who want to find work abroad, are getting into the human traffickers nets. Last year, for example, law enforcement officers found one of these groups, headed by the deputy of the village council.
Kyiv Burglars Kiev for many years is holding the palm of the number one for burglaries. In 2011 the militsia recorded more than 4.1 thousand of such crimes in the capital of Ukraine. It is 1468 cases per 1 million people.
Odessa is the champion for bribery. The region has established an absolute record – 157 cases per 1 million people. Odessa has left behind even the capital, which has much more officials. All the matter is in the vicinity to the southern border. Due to bribes customs officers, border guards, employees of the ports improve their financial situation. So, in February, the head of the local customs office and his subordinate were arrested, who established a system of money extortion from shippers and brokers. For each container with the goods they were taking from $ 100 up to $ 1.5 thousand.
Bukovyna Scammers In Chernivtsi region a financial fraud is widespread (23 cases per 1 million people). In Bukovyna currency dealers, bankcards schemers and sharps are periodically detained. Unemployment and the proximity to the border contribute to the crime rates, allowing the inflow of ill contingent.
Mykolayiv Hackers Mykolaiv region is the leader of the crimes with the use of computers (10 cases per 1 million people). Among them are the illegal operations with foreign bank accounts, theft of electronic databases and the actual hacker attacks. Several local electronic media have recently reported about Internet intervention in the operation of their websites. At the end of 2010 a student was detained in Mykolayiv for distribution of the special hacking software.
Kherson Rapists Kherson region ranks first in the country for rape (23 cases per 1 million people). Last year, Minister of Internal Affairs personally supervised the investigation of one of them: a rape attempt and a murder of 14 year-old schoolgirl. This crime was committed by a 31-year-old man, who’s already been in prison for similar crimes. Such a rage of rapists is explained by high unemployment rates and a presence of four correctional facilities in the region.
Kharkiv Killers The region, which is considered to be a forge of mititsia personnel, is leading on the number of murders (97 per 1 million people). Law enforcement explain this paradox by a proximity to the border and the high urbanization of the Kharkiv region. Among the most resonant crimes in recent years is a triple murder in the Saltovka region.
Lugansk drug pushers In Lugansk region the most often recorded crimes are related to illicit drugs (2040 cases per 1 million people). Last year, local authorities have started to talk seriously about the threatening extent of the drug addiction in this depressed region after a driver on drugs had crashed into a crowd of people.
Donetsk bandits and hooligans In the Donetsk region the most common crime is a robbery (148 cases per 1 million people). Donetsk region has become a leader on the number of armed robberies of banks. The attack on the Privat Bank in Donetsk, during which five people were killed, caused a wide resonance in the country. Also, the region is leading in the crime statistics for hooliganism (330 cases per 1 million people). Such crimes are recorded here twice as often as in Kyiv, and three to four times more frequently than in the central regions – Cherkassy and Poltava.