ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Introduction to Digital Libraries Week 5: Social Graphs Old Dominion University Department of Computer Science CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson 02/08/11
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson From Documents… Dan lives in Zetland road, Bristol, UK with Libby and Craig. Dan's address is Libby's address is Craig's is Dan and Libby work for an organisation called "ILRT" whose website is at Craig works for "Netgates", an organisation whose website is at Craig's wife Liz lives in Bristol with Kathleen. Kathleen and Liz also work at "Netgates". Damian lives in London. Martin knows Craig, Damian, Dan and Libby quite well. Martin lives in Bristol and has an address of (etc...) example from:
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson …to Data Dan lives in Zetland road, Bristol, UK with Libby and Craig. Dan's address is Libby's address is Craig's is Dan and Libby work for an organisation called "ILRT" whose website is at Craig works for "Netgates", an organisation whose website is at Craig's wife Liz lives in Bristol with Kathleen. Kathleen and Liz also work at "Netgates". Damian lives in London. Martin knows Craig, Damian, Dan and Libby quite well. Martin lives in Bristol and has an address of (etc...) example from:
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Friend of a Friend FOAF -- currently, probably the most widespread application of RDF – The next several examples taken from Edd Dumbill's "Finding Friends with XML and RDF" – rary/x-foaf.htmlhttp:// rary/x-foaf.html
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Edd Describing Edd <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:foaf=" Edd Dumbill
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson More Edd… Edd Dumbill edd <foaf:depiction rdf:resource=" />
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Edd Has a Friend Edd Dumbill... Simon St.Laurent
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Open World Means Merger "The Great Triple Store in the Sky" <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:foaf=" Edd Dumbill Simon St.Laurent Eric van der Vlist <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:foaf="
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Merged Result <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:foaf=" Edd Dumbill Simon St.Laurent Eric van der Vlist
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Additional Fields Peter Parker Male Mr Peter Parker cf2f4bd069302febd8d7c26d803f63fa7f20bd82
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson foaf:knows Relationship … Harry Osborn Peter Parker Aunt May
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Other Relationships <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:foaf=" xmlns:rel=" Spiderman Green Goblin Peter Parker Harry Osborn Norman Osborn
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:foaf=" xmlns:dc=" Peter Parker Spiderman Green Goblin Battle on the Statue Of Liberty With DC
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Autodiscovery for FOAF In the head of your.html file: <link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="FOAF" href="foaf.rdf" /> Example: <link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="Contact" href="contact" /> Link to: See:
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Xhtml Friends Network FOAF is either done with separate RDF files, or integrated into the HTML with RDFa with and tags XFN is a simpler, albeit lower fidelity approach to the same thing by using the "rel" attribute in or elements –next several examples from: –an example of "microformats" -- the bottom-up contrast to RDF
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson XFN Example from: David wrote about a new theory... to: <a rel="colleague met" href=" David wrote about a new theory... In HTML, rel can take multiple space separate values. In Atom, rel can only take a single value.
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson More Precision David wrote about a new theory...
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson 18 Different rel Types… perhaps the most interesting: rel="me" useful for linking to other versions of "me" at different sites…
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson MLN
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Google Social Graph API What kind of services can we build on the various FOAF & XFN links out there? Google Social Graph – –next several examples taken from the above website See also Yahoo's SearchMonkey – e/profile_vocab.htmlhttp://developer.yahoo.com/searchmonkey/smguid e/profile_vocab.html
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Mining me links XFN rel="me" links FOAF converted to me : –elements: weblog, homepage, openid, mbox_sha1sum –links:.html to.rdf others: –foaf:knows --> xfn:contact –more info: es.html es.html
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson The Social Graph API ? & & Where the possible methods are: lookup: low-level access to the graph. otherme: given one or more of a person's identifiers (e.g. URLs), return other identifiers for that person. testparse: test your site's XFN or FOAF to see what the Social Graph API's parsers find in it
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson SocialGraph Node Mapper sgn://social-network.example.com/?ident=brad see:
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Site Connections (me links) My music blogmusic blog My research group blogresearch group blog My homepagehomepage –my personal page from my homepagepersonal page Carlton's LinkedIn pageLinkedIn page
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Friends Kevin Marks home pagehome page Others?
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Visualizing RDF: Welkin Visualization of: with
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Visualizing RDF: Zitgist Zitgist – –other RDF too: usic/record/35aec650-d7ac-4043-abb3-50a014ab48b3http://dataviewer.zitgist.com/?uri=http%3A//zitgist.com/m usic/record/35aec650-d7ac-4043-abb3-50a014ab48b3 where'd that ID come from? – 50a014ab48b3.htmlhttp://musicbrainz.org/release/35aec650-d7ac-4043-abb3- 50a014ab48b3.html – abb3-50a014ab48b3http://musicbrainz.org/mm-2.1/album/35aec650-d7ac abb3-50a014ab48b3
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Others FOAF Explorer – consult.dk/foaf/explorer/?foaf= consult.dk/foaf/explorer/?foaf= FOAFer – (not compatible w/ my version of Mozilla) FOAFnaut – (dead. if only there was a way to go back in time…)
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson QDOS tools Upload a FOAF profile: – Find a FOAF profile: –
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Viewing Results: Eric Miller
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson FOAF.Vix a pretty nice one… – visualizer.org/?uri= rdfhttp://foaf- visualizer.org/?uri= rdf visualizer.org/?uri= M/contacthttp://foaf- visualizer.org/?uri= M/contact
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Sample Output
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson RDF Validator W3C Validator – –(others available) –for: df (validator link) dfvalidator link –but for: I get an error (validator link) link
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Validator OK
ODU CS 751/851 Spring 2011 Michael L. Nelson Validator Error