1 Deviance
2 Explanations of deviance l Biological l Psychological l Sociological
3 Biological explanations l Very limited understanding of crime l Caesar Lombroso –Genetically destined to become criminals l William Sheldon –Body style l XYY Chromosome theory
4 Psychological explanations General concepts l Personality patterns l Individual traits l Majority of crimes are committed by people with normal psychological profiles
5 Sociological explanations (Overview) l Strain theory l Differential association l Differential opportunity l Labeling theory
6 Strain theory l Robert Merton l Conformist l Innovator (Al Capone) l Ritualist l Retreatist l Rebellion
7 Differential association l Edwin H. Sutherland l Crime is learned in association with others l Deviance is linked to the amount of contact a person has with others who encourage or discourage that behavior.
8 Differential opportunity l Cloward & Ohlin l Reduce crime by reducing criminal (illegitimate) opportunity
9 Labeling theory l Deviance and conformity result not only from what people do, but how others respond to those actions. –Reinforcement –Labeling –Retrospective labeling l Interpreting someone’s past as consistent with present deviance.
10 Medicalization of deviance l Treating deviant behavior by medical means l Depo-provera for rape l Methadone for heroin l Redefining –Theft as “compulsive disorder” –Drinking as “alcoholism” –Promiscuity as a “sexual addiction”
11 Social - conflict paradigm l Who and what is labeled deviant is based upon relative power
12 Types of crime (overview) l Street crime l White-collar crime l Victimless crime
13 Street crime l Violent crime
14 White-collar crime l Odds are almost that they will not go to jail l Little reaction from others l Cases heard in civil court (rather than criminal court)
15 Victimless crime l Prostitution l Drugs l Gambling
16 Plea bargaining (Legal negotiation) l In exchange for a guilty plea, you get: –Reduced charge –Reduced sentence –Concurrent sentences
17 Reasons why societies punish offenders l Retribution l Deterrence –The threat of punishment to discourage crime l Rehabilitation
18 Effects of Prison l Do little to rehabilitate l Creates stigma - reducing chances of acceptance and getting a job l Provide some protection for society from criminals
19 Criminal recidivism l Subsequent offenses by people convicted of crimes