Harlem in the 1960’s
Housing Landlords didn’t take care of their properties, so apartment buildings were in disrepair. In 1960, 51% of the housing in Harlem was below acceptable standards. The city received more than 500 phone calls a day complaining about unsafe housing. Middle class African American families started to leave Harlem, so most of the people left there were the poor.
Poverty created problems …. More than 75% of the students in Harlem scored below grade level in reading and math. Drug addiction was a whopping 10 ten times higher in Harlem than in the rest of New York City. The murder rate was 6 times higher in Harlem than in the rest of NYC. The overall crime rate was 50% higher.
Jobs Low-paying jobs were far more available than decent-paying ones. Unskilled, untrained black people could find low-paying jobs more easily than skilled, trained black people. At the time, it might have seemed to many that education wasn’t worth the cost and effort.
Religion Harlem had over 400 churches in the 1960s. Most were small, often meeting in abandoned stores. The Nation of Islam was important in Harlem and got many converts. eq8 eq8
Questions to answer: (Save your answers as a Word document or write on paper – this may be handed in next class!) 1.In chapter 19, Esther is in Harlem with her brother and sister. In the chapter, find an example of poverty – a quote about people being poor or an image that shows poverty. Explain how the quote shows poverty. 2.In the same chapter, Esther’s siblings feel like they are in danger. Give one example from the chapter that shows the danger they could be in. Then tell how you would feel if you were in that situation. 3.The PowerPoint says religion is important in Harlem. How is religion discussed in chapter 19? Give specific an example and include a quote. 4.Reread page 161, especially the bottom of the page. Esther starts yelling, Enough is enough!” Why is this important? Explain with detail.