Chapter 2 Procedures and Practices HF Operating Not channelized like FM. Use a Variable Frequency Oscillator (VFO). Calling CQ – Phone: CQ CQ CQ this is Your_Call Your_Call Your_Call. Use phonetics for your call. –CW or Digital: CQ CQ CQ DE Your_Call Your_Call Your_Call –Use CQ DX to contact a station outside the US.
To break in to a conversation, give your call during a pause in the conversation. Wait to be recognized. Choosing a frequency –Choose an appropriate band and frequency within that band. Be sure the frequency is authorized for General class licensees. Follow the ARRL band plan (see pages 1-2 and 2-17). –Listen to avoid interference. –Ask if the frequency is in use and give your call. –No amateur has priority to a frequency unless there is an emergency.
Recommended Signal Separation ModeBandwidth CW Hz AM6 kHz SSB3 kHz RTTY Hz PSK Hz
To avoid interference with other stations: –Lower your transmit power –Change frequency –Change beam heading (if you can) –Be nice. No radio rage! Logs are optional, but a good idea. A log can be used to verify contacts and in cases of interference. –A log should contain the time, date, frequency, and callsign of the contacted station. Other information can be loggesd such as signal reports, names, and equipment.
Operating Modes Morse Code (CW or Continuous Wave). CW contacts require the least amount of power because of the narrow bandwidth. AM and SSB (Single Sideband) Phone. –SSB signals do not contain a carrier and have only on sideband (upper or lower). AM has a carrier and two sidebands. SSB will provide better communications than AM with less power. –Use Lower Sideband (LSB) on 160, 80 and 40 meters. –Use Upper Sideband (USB) above 40 meters, and on the channelized 60 meter band. Narrowband FM and repeaters are permitted above 29.5 MHz in the 10 meter band.