Systems and System Models: A Systems Approach to Science Learning Dr. Wil van der Veen Science Education Institute Raritan Valley Community College
2 The Next Generation Science Standards A New Vision for Science Teaching and Learning Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
3 The NGSS were Developed Based on a Framework The NGSS were developed based on a Framework for K-12 Education published by the National Academies. The NGSS incorporate our best understanding of how students learn science. The NGSS take into account the needs of the 21st Century workplace. Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
4 Students should know and able to use and apply: Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Core Ideas Practices Crosscutting Concepts Key Idea of the Framework and the NGSS Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
5 1.Patterns 2.Cause and Effect 3.Scale, Proportion, and Quantity 4.Systems and System Models 5.Energy and Matter 6.Structure and Function 7.Stability and Change In your Journal describe how you have addressed one of these crosscutting concepts with your students. Crosscutting Concepts Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
6 NGSS Appendix G Crosscutting Concepts Read pages 1 and 2 until Guiding Principles. The purpose of crosscutting concepts is to deepen students understanding of core ideas. Crosscutting concepts are not new! Crosscutting Concepts have to be made explicit. Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
7 Why are Systems and System Models so Important? All interactions involve at least 2 objects – a system. The universe is very large and we only study small parts of it at a time. From NSTA webinar: Systems and System Models by Ramon Lopez Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
8 Hierarchy of Systems Galaxies, Solar System Earth Systems, Ecosystems Macroscopic Systems Atomic-Molecular Systems Subatomic Systems Nuclear Systems Adapted from NSTA webinar: Energy and Matter by Charles Anderson and Joyce Parker Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
9 What are the Features of a System? 1.Boundaries 2.Components 3.Flows and Interactions Adapted from NSTA webinar: Systems and System Models by Ramon Lopez System Surroundings Boundary Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
10 Natural Phenomenon Ice Cubes in a Cup of Water Discuss the following question with your table group: What are the boundaries of the system? What are the parts of the system? What are the interactions and flows? Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
11 System Models Ice Cubes in a Cup of Water Draw a model to represent the system. Represent the boundaries, components, interactions and flows. Use text and symbols. Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
12 Discuss the following questions with a partner: Which other Crosscutting Concepts did you use to make sense of this phenomenon? How are these Crosscutting Concepts connected? Crosscutting Concepts Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
13 Cause and Effect Patterns Systems Scale Change and Stability Structure and Function Matter and Energy Crosscutting Concepts Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
14 NGSS Appendix G: Crosscutting Concepts Appendix G, page 2: Crosscutting concepts can help students better understand core ideas in science and engineering. Crosscutting concepts can help students better understand science and engineering practices. Repetition is necessary to build familiarity with crosscutting concepts. Crosscutting concepts should grow in complexity and sophistication across the grades. Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
15 Systems and System Models Use your Journal and list what you think your students should know about Systems and System Models and what they should be able to do. Read the descriptive text on page 3 of NGSS Appendix G. Look under Progression Across Grades what students should be able to know about Systems and System Models and students should be able to do at your grade level. Add to the ideas in your Journal. Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
16 Natural Phenomenon Large Number of Dead Fish in a Lake Group Performance Tasks: Develop a model of the relevant ecological system to illustrate possible causes for why there are dead fish in the lake. Use the model to develop questions to focus the gathering of additional information from various sources (including online). Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
17 Natural Phenomenon Large Number of Dead Fish in a Lake Group Performance Tasks: Develop a model of the relevant ecological system to illustrate possible causes for why there are dead fish in the lake. Use the model to develop questions to focus the gathering of additional information from various sources (including online). Instructional scaffold: What is the boundary of the system that we need to consider when investigating this phenomenon? What are the components? What are the interactions and flows? What are some possible causes? What additional data or information do you need? Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
18 Final Reflection Write down one thing you could change in your classroom based on what you experienced in this workshop. Share with a partner. Systems and System Models A Systems Approach to Science Learning
19 Friday (Full-day Institute) Moving Past Memorization: Applying Science Concepts to Explain the Natural World Saturday (1.5-hour workshop) System and System Models: A Systems Approach to Science Learning Sunday (1.5-hour workshop) Energy and Matter: Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy Other Related Sessions Moving Past Memorization: Applying Science Concepts to Explain the Natural World.