NASA, CGMS-44, 5 June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS NASA Space Weather Activities Presented to CGMS-44 Space Weather Task Team, agenda item 4 Elsayed R. Talaat NASA Headquarters
NASA, CGMS-44, 5 June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Observing systems and services Research Inter & intra-agency activities and support Space Weather at NASA Slide: 2
NASA, CGMS-44, 5 June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Heliophysics System Observatory Heliophysics has 18 operating missions (on 32 spacecraft): Voyager, Geotail, Wind, SOHO, ACE, Cluster, TIMED, RHESSI, TWINS, Hinode, STEREO, THEMIS/ARTEMIS, AIM, IBEX, SDO, Van Allen Probes, IRIS, MMS Competed research in Heliophysics – the science of space weather Research and analysis, theory and model, instrumentation technology, suborbital flights Living With a Star Develop space weather empirical and first principles models to enable nowcast and forecast capabilities Space Weather Research Slide: 3
4 Heliophysics System Observatory A coordinated and complementary fleet of spacecraft to understand the Sun and its interactions with Earth and the solar system, including space weather International Partnership Missions Slide: 4
NASA, CGMS-44, 5 June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS NOAA POES NOAA GOES NASA ACE NASA SOHO L1 Primary Space Weather Satellites NOAA DSCOVR & NASA ACE –Solar wind composition, speed, and direction –Magnetic field strength and direction NASA SDO / SOHO –Solar EUV Images –Solar Corona (CMEs) NASA STEREO –CME Direction and Shape –Solar wind composition, speed, and direction –Magnetic field strength and direction NOAA GOES –Energetic Particles –Magnetic Field –Solar X-ray Flux –Solar X-Ray Images NOAA POES –High Energy Particles –Total Energy Deposition –Solar UV Flux NASA STEREO (Ahead) NASA STEREO (Behind) NASA SDO NASA Van Allen Probes –Energetic Particles –Magnetic Field NOAA DSCOVR Slide: 5
NASA, CGMS-44, 5 June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CCMC Assets & Services: 6 WSA PFSS.Macneice PFSS.LuhmannANMHD PFSS.Petrie SRPM NLFFF WSA-ENLIL+EPREM CORHEL Heltomo IPS Heltomo SMEI EXO Solar Wind SWMF.SC+EEGGL+CME BRYNTRN EMMREM PREDICCS REleASE ASAP UMASEP MAGIC ASSA MAG 4 SWMF.SH GUMICS SWMF+RCM LANLstar LFM-MIX-TIEGCM OpenGGCM+CTIM LFM-MIX LFM-TING Tsyganenko SWMF+RCM+deltaB SWMF+RCM+RBE SWMF+RCM+CRCM WINDMI IGRF Apex AACGM PS VP Ovation Prime Weigel-deltaB GIC Expanding Collection Of Models at Community Coordinated Modeling Center Expanding Collection Of Models at Community Coordinated Modeling Center CoronaHeliosphereMagnetosphere Ionosphere/ Thermosphere TIE-GCM IDA4D SWACI-TEC NRLMSISE ABBYNormal IMPACT GITM USU-GAIM CTIPe SAMI-3 PBMOD TRIPL-DA Weimer IE Weimer-deltaB JB2008 COSGROVE-PF RCM Fok.CIMI Fok.RBE AE-8/AP-8 AE-9/AP-9 UPOS RB VERB Inner Magnetosphere SNB3GEO WSA-ENLIL WSA-ENLIL+Cone GMAT DBM NAIRAS NOVICE AMOS CARI-7 BON GCR EEGGL DTM AWSoM WSA-ENLIL+SEPMOD DIPS AMPS SAM IRI Slide: 6
NASA, CGMS-44, 5 June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS National Space Weather Strategy and Space Weather Action Plan were officially released on 29 October 2015 Action Plan details the activities, outcomes and timelines that will be undertaken by U.S. federal departments and agencies for the Nation to make progress toward the strategic goals 6 Strategic Goals in the Action Plan Establish Benchmarks for Space-Weather Events Enhance Response and Recovery Capabilities Improve Protection and Mitigation Efforts Improve Assessment, Modeling, and Prediction of Impacts on Critical Infrastructure Improve Space-Weather Services through Advancing Understanding and Forecasting Increase International Cooperation 7 National Space Weather Strategy Slide: 7
NASA, CGMS-44, 5 June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Targeted Modeling Research and Development 8 SWPC (& 557 th Weather Wing) Operational Models Fundamental Research LWS Focus Science Teams International Contributions/ Partnerships CCMC LWS Strategic Capabilities Heliophysics Science Centers Modeling R2O Concept of Operations Slide: 8
NASA, CGMS-44, 5 June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Inter-agency activity NSWP, OSTP/SWORM, LWS Strategic Capabilities (NSF), CCMC (NOAA, NSF) Transition of research products to operational environment with NOAA and DoD Collaboration on data analysis from many sources of data Shared missions International missions (SOHO, Hinode) Real-time beacon data for space weather now-casting and forecasting by NOAA (ACE, SDO, Van Allen Probes, STEREO) International participation World Meteorological Organization, UN International Space Weather Initiative, International Living With a Star, COSPAR, UNCOPUOUS NASA Missions Support Engineering design requirements and analysis Environment characterization Reimbursable development of operational space weather satellites on behalf of NASA’s interagency partners DSCOVR Inter & Intra-Agency Activities and Support Slide: 9