Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia em Portugal 4-7 Julho 2010
7 July Galactic Cosmic Rays low flux but highly penetrating Solar Particle Events sporadic but dangerous Radiation Belts high radiation dose
7 July
4 ~10 days duration
7 July More in “maximum” solar activity years Highly unpredictable Design for by making statistical assessment
7 July Inner belt ( km) dominated by protons CRAND = Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay ~static E~100’s MeV Outer belt ( ~ km) dominated by electrons Controlled by “storms” Very dynamic E~ MeV Slot Usually low intensities of MeV electrons Occasional injections of more particles
7 July Simulation toolkit for particle transport and interaction with matter: detector and component materials planetary atmospheres and surfaces Radiation environment simulation in space on the surface of planets in-orbit Study EEE component degradation simulation component testing (ground/space) degradation modelling Radiation monitors Radiation monitors detector design and optimisation detector simulation data analysis
8 Work sponsored by the ESA Technology Research Programme ( concluded in 2009http://reat.space.qinetiq.com/marsrem interfaced to SPEs, GCR (p, , ions) and X-rays input flux models to be used by mission designers and planners and by radiation experts web-based and interfaced with existing radiation shielding and effects simulation tools dMEREM : detailed Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Model dMEREM : detailed Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Model eMEREM : engeneering Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Model eMEREM : engeneering Mars Energetic Radiation Environment Model 7 July 2010
9 irradiation test of ATMEL AT60142F SRAM LNS(Catania) irradiation test data of ATMEL AT60142F SRAM LNS (*) “Integrated Radiation Environment, Effects and Component Degradation Simulation Tool”, ESA/22381/09/NL/PA, ongoing contract - GSTP program CODES(*) is a GEANT4-based framework for simulation of energy deposition for component single event upset (SEU) rate prediction in memory devices. Geant4 simulations of EEE component s + fit to ground based test data : interpretation of the physical mechanisms responsible for component damage and space system degradation.
segmented scintillator made of optically isolated individual crystals read in double readout mode. 7 July Size: 10x10x10 cm 3 (4x4x3 cm 3 for scintillator + photosensor) Weight < 1kg Maximum Rate: 1.3 MHz/cm 2 for 1% pileup / 6.3 MHz/cm 2 for 5% pileup 3D particle track reconstruction (dE/dX & DOI) Angular resolution: function of the particle energy 400 MeV, Ep > 100 MeV Up-down discrimination and lateral veto Particle ID energy ranges: protons up to 350 MeV alphas up to 800 MeV electrons up to 20 MeV photons up to 3 MeV
7 July
7 July