CEN 621 Cryptography and Network Security Spring Term CEN 621 Cryptography and Network Security Spring Term INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Dr. Abdülhamit Subaşı
Class Schedule: Tuesday 17:00-19:45 Class Schedule: Tuesday 17:00-19:45 Office Hour:Open Door Policy Office Hour:Open Door Policy
Course Objectives Introduce computer and network security concepts. Introduce confidentiality, integrity and availability Develop some general design decisions that should be made when constructing secure systems Present cryptography concepts.
1.William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, Douglas Stinson, Cryptography: Theory and Practice, CRC Press, CRC Press LLC, D. Hook, Beginning Cryptography with Java, Wrox Press, J. B. Knudsen, Java Cryptography, First Ed., R. Helton and J. Helton, Java Security Solutions, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2002 Textbooks
Brief Contents Introduction to Cryptography Classical Encryption Techniques Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard Advanced Encryption Standard More on Symmetric Ciphers Confidentiality Using Symmetric Encryption Public-Key Cryptography and RSA Key Management; Other Public-Key Cryptosystems Message Authentication and Hash Functions Hash and MAC Algorithms Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols Authentication Applications Electronic Mail Security IP Security Web Security Intruders Malicious Software Firewalls
Grading Subject Research 25% Paper Presentation 25% Final Examination 50%
Wireless Security Mobile security security PGP Database security authentication systemsBiometrics authentication systems Web security E-commerce security Digital Signature IP security VPN Security Bluetooth Security Watermarking and information hiding VoIP Security JAVA security.NET Security PHP security Wireshark NS2 SNORT OPNET Presentation