US Foreign Policy Making Process
Foreign Policy Vision To protect our citizens, our territory, our livelihood, and our friends.
Main Actors President Secretary of State, National Security Advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Director of Central Intelligence
Extended Actors Congress – House – Senate Related sectors within government Interest groups
Big Lists of Interest Groups and Advocacy Organizations Dr. Kathi Carlisle Fountain's Political Advocacy Groups - Directory of U.S. Lobbyists Yahoo! Directory - U.S. Politics - Interest Groups Google Directory - U.S. Advocacy Organizations Project Vote Smart - Special Interest Groups and Issue Organizations An Alphabetical List of Interest Groups American Civil Liberties Union AFL/CIO - American Federation of Labor/Congress of Industrial Organizatons American Israel Public Affairs Committee Americans for Democratic Action AARP - American Association for Retired Persons Americans United for the Separation of Church and State Amnesty International USA The Christian Coalition Common Cause The Concord Coalition Democratic Leadership Council Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee The Electronic Policy Network Families USA Family Research Council The Federalist Society The Feminist Majority Greenpeace USA Human Rights Campaign The Interfaith Alliance The John Birch Society Latino Vote The Militia Watchdog National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People National Committee for an Effective Congress National Organization for Women National Republican Congressional Committee National Republican Senatorial Committee National Rifle Association National Right to Life Committee People for the American Way People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Planned Parenthood Federation of America The Right Side of the Web The Sierra Club Southern Poverty Law Center Veterans of Foreign Wars U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Congress Functions Make laws Declare war Raise and provide public money and oversee its proper expenditure Impeach and try federal officers Approve presidential appointments Approve treaties negotiated by the executive branch Oversight and investigations
Work in groups Form a group of 5 Every group will have a role Negotiate the decision and find out why Address to the right person
Should US invade ISIS just like what US did to Iraq?
Secretary of State – Setuju – Banyak korban jiwa, merekrut anggota di banyak negara. President – Propose – Sesuai dengan visi Amerika, menyerang anggota aliansi NATO Congress – Menyetujui – Isu global, terkait dengan terorisme, melanggar ketentuan banyak negara.
IG 1 – Yes to strike – Minyak IG 2 – No to strike – Civilians as victims – Human right to create Islamic state Ambassador – Yes to strike – Merugikan US citizens in Iraq Dept of State – Yes to strike – Able to do so – For the sake of peace – On the name of humanity President – Yes to strike – Peace – Based on the US vision, a threat of US citizens in Iraq – Sort of occupation Congress – Menimbang: korban sipil; polisi dunia – Persetujuan bersyarat: Yes but has to cooperate with other countries due to efficiency