Interest Groups Chapter 9 Sections 1 & 2
What is an Interest Group? Interest Group- a collection of people who share certain views on public matters and work to shape public policy. They can also be known as: Pressure groups Organized interests Special Interest They try to influence government officials to design public policy that reflects their cause
How Interest Groups Differ From Political Parties? Political PartiesInterest Groups NominationsParties nominate candidates Do not nominate candidate but may openly show support a candidate Primary FocusConcerned with winning elections and controlling government Concerned with controlling or influencing policy Range of IssuesOften focus on a whole range issues Concentrate on issue that directly affect their members
Are Interest Groups Good or Bad? Positives Interest groups help to stimulate awareness and interest in public affairs Members are represented by shared beliefs and create a sense of unity Offer useful, specialized and detailed information to the government A convenient and less time-consuming way for citizens to be involved in the shaping of public policy Monitor official to ensure they are performing their job in a responsible manner They provide a counter-balance to opposing Interest Groups
Are Interest Groups Good or Bad? Negatives Some groups that are more organized and better financed have more influence Some groups have names that may misrepresent the number of people they represent Decisions are often made by a select few within the group, and therefore do not reflect the organization as a whole Engage in bribery, threats, gift giving, etc.
Different Types of Interest Groups Most Interest Groups are focused on Economic issues Business Groups The goal is to promote the interests of business such as tariffs However, because there are many different competing businesses, it is hard for them to have a common interest in certain areas. Labor Groups Labor unions are organized groups of workers that share the same type of work or work in the same industry The different labor unions offer work together to promote social welfare, minimum wage, unemployment Agricultural Groups Have a heavy influence on agricultural policies Much like the Business Groups, Agricultural Groups are not unified, and often argue with each other. Professional Associations Defined as though who require extensive professional training They are not as large, as well financed, or as effective These groups include professions such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, and so on.
Different Types of Interest Groups Issue Oriented Groups that exist to promote a cause or idea The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) fights to protect civil and political rights Issue Oriented Groups are devoted to fighting for or against issues Organizations for Specific Groups These groups seek to promote the welfare of specific groups of people Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People National Urban League National Association of Arab Americans
Different Types of Interest Groups Religious Groups Religious Groups have long been involved in American Politics They work to advocate for their own religion Public Interest Groups Focus and work on agendas that promote the common good The League of Women Voters Common Cause
In your composition notebook… 1. What is a special interest group? 2. What are some examples of how a special interest group differs from a political party? 3. Which special interest groups have historically been the most effective? 4. The League of Women Voters is an example of what type of special interest group?