Here Am I, Send Me #81 Songs of Evangelism
Lord Send Me, #81 Isaiah 6:8 There is plenty of work to do, and a shortage of workers John 4:35, Luke 10:2 There is much to do… #108, The Call For Reapers Will I volunteer?
A Soul Winner for Jesus, #93 Proverbs 11:30, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise.” Matt. 16:26, the value of a soul. Do I have the desire?
Into Our Hands, #90 We have been entrusted with the gospel 1 Thess. 2:4, 1 Tim. 1:11 Mark 16:15, cf. Acts 8:4, 2 Tim. 2:2 Millions are dying without the gospel while time passes away #507, Sowing the Seed Will I sit idly by?
Seeking the Lost, #528 Why did Jesus come to this earth? Luke 19:9-10 The “Lost” parables, Luke 15 2 Cor. 5:11, Jude #114, I Want to Be A Worker #529, Bring them in Am I looking for opportunities?
Will You Not Tell it Today?, #89 Burning hearts, Luke 24:32 Jeremiah 20:9, Psa. 39:1-3 This song gives many reasons why we should tell others Will I take advantage of opportunities now? 2 Cor. 6:1-2
The World’s Bible, #512 A godly example is where we begin! Matt. 5:13-16, Phil. 2:14-16 Both good and bad examples will have effect on others. We must realize we are the ONLY Bible some will read #87, Ye are the Light of the World #527, Let the Lower Lights Be Burning What do others see in me?
You Never Mentioned Him, #92 A sobering reminder of the urgency of our task Nothing in scripture says this will actually happen, but it does provoke us to think that one might be lost because of my failures Ezek. 3:16-21, 1 Cor. 9:16 Do I want to answer to God for my efforts to tell others?
As we sing, let us teach and admonish one another even in this!