Seismograph Mercally Scale Richter ScaleSan Andres Fault Focus Epicenter Aftershock Pictures of disasters(earthquakes) credits
We thanks to: For the pictures that we took for our PowerPoint presentation. Home
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Home The presence of the San Andreas fault was brought dramatically to world attention on April 18, 1906, when sudden displacement along the fault produced the great San Francisco earthquake and fire. This earthquake, however, was but one of many that have resulted from episodic displacement along the fault throughout its life of about million years.
The actual location along a fault, usually at some depth, Where earthquake energy originates Home
A scale of earthquake magnitude, based on seismograph recordings, that is a measure of the amount of energy released form an earthquake. Home
A location on the surface of the Earth directly above the point (focus) where an earthquake occurs. Home
A mechanical instrument used to measure ground motion graphically; usually measures motion from earthquakes. Home
A scale of earthquake intensity based on observation of the effect produced by ground motion. The full name is the Modified metrically Scale of earthquake Intensity. Home
A secondary earthquake occurring some time after the main shock. Aftershock are renewed tremors that follow a major earthquake. They may continue for months. Some may be large enough to cause further destruction, especially since many structures are already weakened form the main shock. Home