Social Classes
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Game board Geography Religion Achievements Politics Economy Social Structure
1-100 Most of Greece’s terrain is _____________ which forced the Greeks to create ______________________
1-100A What is mountainous and city- states?
1-200 Greece was separated into_______________ due to the _________________.
1-200A What is city- states and mountains?
1-300 Greece was surrounded by what bodies of water?
1-300A What are the Mediterranean, Ionian, and Aegean Seas?
1-400 Greece could be a dangerous because it was located in a ____________ and _______________ zone.
1-400A What is earthquake and volcano?
1-500 Greece was not good for ____________ and it also did not have a lot of _________ so they had to rely on ____ for survival.
1-500A What is farming, fresh water, and seas?
The Greeks were ______________; they believed in many gods/goddesses.
2-100A What is polytheistic?
2-200 The temple built in honor of Athena is called____________.
2-200A What is the Parthenon?
2-300 This person had the ability, so the Greeks thought, to foretell the future.
2-300A Who is an oracle?
2-400 The Greeks believed the gods were _______________, meaning they lived forever.
2-400A What is immortal?
2-500 These were the gods/goddesses who controlled everyone’s destiny.
2-500A Who are the Fates?
The Greeks performed their plays in an ___________________.
3-100A What isan amphitheater?
3-200 What was the period of time called when the Greeks agreed to be peaceful during the Olympics?
3-200A What is a truce?
3-300 This is where the plays took place.
3-300A What is an amphitheater?
3-400 This is where stories were told and passed down.
3-400A What is on pottery?
3-500 Name the three types of Greek architecture.
3-500A What are ionic, doric, and corinthian?
Name the 3 different types of government.
4-100A What are democracy, oligarchy, and monarchy ?
4-200 A ruler who has absolute power over his people is...
4-200A What isa tyrant?
4-300 True or False: Women had the right to vote.
4-300A What is False?
4-400 This philosopher had a strong influence as he challenged govt. decisions.
4-400A Who is Socrates?
4-500 This group of people helped protect Greece with their warrior skills.
4-500A Who are the Spartans?
These two city-states developed their own coinage
5-100A What are Corinth and Argos?
5-200 Most of Greece’s economy relied on…
5-200A What is the seas or trade?
5-300 The Greeks went to this marketplace to trade goods.
5-300A What is the agora?
5-400 To trade or exchange goods is called...
5-400A What is bartering?
5-500 Goods that are bought and sold/exchanged with other countries are called __________ and ____________
5-500A Whatare imports and exports?
These workers provided the much needed tools and weapons for the Greeks.
6-100A Who are the craftsworkers/m etalworkers?
6-200 True or False: Mostly, girls were not allowed to go to school.
6-200A What is True?
6-300 True or False: The Greeks showed their social class structure by using a ladder
6-300A What is False?
6-400 True or False: Soldiers were on the bottom of Greece’s social class structure.
6-400A What is False?
6-500 True or False: Doctors were not that important in Greece and made few advances.
6-500A What is False?
Name and describe the famous gods and goddesses of Greece.
Let’s see your lists…
Daily Double Round 1