Unit 1 Vocabulary Review
discomfit V. to embarrass and confuse Syn: perturb Ant: relax
edification N. improvement or enlightenment Syn: betterment
malfeasance N. misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official Syn: wrongdoing Haliburton's $7.2 billion contract to feed U.S. soldiers in Iraq bought spoiled and outdated food. In 2010, a Reuters article stated that WellPoint Insurance Company dropped women from coverage when they were diagnosed with breast cancer. In 2004, Wal Mart was accused of locking its night shift janitorial staff in the store without any way out.
feasible Adj. capable of being accomplished Syn: possible Ant: impossible
surfeit N. condition of being too full; overabundance Syn: abundance Ant: shortage; dearth
magnum opus N. the greatest work of an artist, writer, or composer Syn: pinnacle Mozart’s The Magic Flute Beethoven’s Fifth Keat’s Ode to a Grecian Urn
modus operandi N. manner of working
opulent Adj. possessing or exhibiting great wealth; affluent St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City
synergy N. the power that results from the combination or two or more forces Syn: confluence
liturgy N. a pattern of prayer worship Mass in Norte-Dame Cathedral, Paris
lethargy N. a state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy Syn: laziness Ant: activity
laborious Adj. requiring mental or physical effort Syn: industrious
belabor V. (1) to discuss in too much detail – (2) to attack
elaborate V. to explain in greater detail