March 1, 2009 Prayer Requests for North American missionaries Gary and Paula Hawkins: 1. For Acts 1:8 church planting partners. 2. For church planters. 3. For support and encouragement of existing church planters through churches adopting a church plant. 4. For more ethnic/language churches and leaders. 5. For safety, good health and traveling mercies for the team. 6. For their daughter-in-law, who was diagnosed with cancer in 2005, but is now in remission Missionary Prayer Guide
March 8, 2009 Prayer Requests for North American missionaries Daniel and Marta Caceres: 1. For wisdom from the Lord. 2. For the Hispanic churches to grow and send missionaries around the world. 3. For the Hispanic churches to be witnessing churches. 4. For more leaders to hear God’s call. 5. For the uniting of the Hispanic congregations Missionary Prayer Guide
March 15, 2009 Prayer Requests for North American missionaries Paul Bettis and his wife Pat: 1. For Pat who has health problems. 2. For funding to keep the Oil Patch Chaplains as an ongoing ministry. 3. For needed volunteers in disaster relief, motorcycle, oil patch and lake resort chaplaincy ministries. 4. For casinos in Oklahoma to allow chaplains to minister to their employees. 5. For good health for the chaplaincy ministry assistant’s grandson Missionary Prayer Guide
March 22, 2009 Prayer Requests for North American missionaries Eddie and Gretchen Lindsey: 1. For the calling and training of Indian church planters and leaders. 2. For the planting of new churches to make an impact on the lostness of the Indians in Oklahoma. 3. For the planting of 10 new Indian churches in For the planting of Indian churches that will become models for planting of new Indian congregations in Oklahoma. 5. For good health and safety in travel Missionary Prayer Guide
March 29, 2009 Prayer Requests for North American missionaries Ray and Christina Strauss and their children: 1. For the Gospel that is shared to find good soil in the hearts of the people. 2. For the Lord to mature the people and raise up godly leaders among the people. 3. For the church to be committed to the Great Commission. 4. For the Lord to raise up ministry pastors. 5. For wisdom and leadership in the important decisions ahead Missionary Prayer Guide